
DWA 2018 Winners Share Their Struggles And Inspirations

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao
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Celebrate Female Entrepreneurs

The DWA 2018 winners were announced last night in a dazzling ceremony at the iconic Bombay Stock Exchange. These female entrepreneurs came from far and wide run varying digital enterprises and are full of bold ideas. We were curious to know about their journeys so far, as much as we were to celebrate their achievements. These fabulous ladies shared what inspired them and what all hardships they had to endure to achieve the success they have managed to.


Support of Men and family is essential

Director at NexMoney, Shabnam Praveen who won an award in the e-commerce category says that men around her have fortunately been very supportive of her. From her father, who supported her decision to do an MBA after graduating in zoology and then starting up, to her business partners, men have always stood by her. Praveen recalls an incident how in 2014 she was en route to meet an investor, when the middleman advised her against partaking in the meeting. As per him, her appearance would upset the orthodox investor from overseas, who disapproved of working women. In response her partner culminated their ongoing journey to meet him, refuting to meet the investor. This incident had a big impact on Praveen.

"After that, I became more determined that I had to do well. Because when I managed to motivate my family and even convince our society to step out of Jharkhand, then how could I let anyone stop me now?" - Shabnam Praveen

Don't give up unless you find your niche

Nistha Tripathi, Founder of Scholarstrategy, won an award in the content creation category. But before finding success with this applicant-friendly mentoring service Tripathi tried her hands at many other ventures. She says, "I tried a lot of other startups as well. I tried something in fashion and other product startups too. But this is what picked up because this is where my expertise also lied. When I worked with some students then I got the feedback that I was really good at it." According to Tripathi women shouldn't give up.

"You have a lot of failures behind you, but you will eventually find your niche, that works for you. And if you align your professional aspirations with what you are and you persist, then you will find success eventually." -Nistha Tripathi


Things are getting better for women on the digital space.

Amy Aribam, founder of Amaria Fashions, who won an award in the e-commerce category says she is on a mission to bring unexplored tribal weaves from the north-east into the spotlight. She says both the genders are getting around to occupying equal space. "The challenges women face today are more individual, than due to our gender. If individuals, whether it is a male or a female, want to learn and they want to come onto a digital platform, then nothing can stop them."

"So if you are ready to learn and work hard and have a strong will, then you can go ahead and give your best, irrespective of your gender." - Amy Aribam

Her advice to women still in double mind over starting their journey as digital entrepreneurs? "Don't wait for tomorrow. You never know tomorrow will come or not. So if you have an idea, then bring it in today and start working on it."

Director of Innoweave Biocare who won an award in the disruption category, Manasi Kulkarni advises that women should set a time limit for themselves. "Just go for it. Take that risk. Give yourself a time limit, like "I, must try to achieve this milestone till this date, or else that would be the end of it. "

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#digitalwomenawards 2018 Content Creation e-commerce