
Don't shy away from being glam: So says photographer Sheetal Petkar

Glamor portrait photographer Sheetal Petkar creates portraits of women, bringing their glamorous side to life.

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Sheetal Petkar- photographer

Stretching ourselves between work, family, friends and many other responsibilities of life, we as women - often forget to pay attention to ourselves, our well being. Giving every woman her day in the sun is Sheetal Petkar, a glamor portraiture photographer who believes that beauty comes from within and every woman is gorgeous- just the way she is. Through her pictures, she brings to life the different shades of women, with a touch of glam added on for good measure. She talks to us about her passion for photography, her ideas of beauty and the challenges of starting up the photography business.


Sheetal Petkar, Photographer " Let's not forget who we are- strong and bloody brilliant!" Sheetal Petker

Letting the inhibitions go.

"As women, we have so many body issues. Plus in everyday hustle, running around with jobs, balancing work and homes we tend to ignore ourselves, we criticise our bodies, don't take care of ourselves. We stop believing in our own beauty. My purpose is to show women how special, unique and beautiful they are through their own portraits. No matter what age, size, shape every woman in the world has the right to look and feel beautiful. The world changes when we start believing in ourselves and our beauty. The only quality I look for? It is for them to be open about seeing a part of themselves they've probably ignored for the longest time."

The start-up challenges.

"Changing mindset was and still is the biggest challenge. Making people understand that it was okay to go to a studio and get themselves photographed not with an agenda of modelling or acting, but just as an act of loving themselves. Making people understand what I do is way beyond clicking pictures. I create art for them. Changing the way people value photographs."

Sheetal Petker on shethepeople Different shades of women brought to life by Sheetal Petker


No matter what age, size, shape every woman in the world has the right to look and feel beautiful

The gender fair media industry- true or false?

"I personally haven't experienced any problems as far as being a woman photographer is concerned. Infact people let go of their inhibitions more easily in front of me when they're being photographed. They let themselves go and trust me when it comes to creating art for them."

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The essential qualities that makes the woman of today.

"Owning up your own power, taking yourself and your dreams very seriously. Nobody can decide for you how you should live your life. You are already powerful and the only way you won't feel your power is when you hand it over to someone else. Of course as women we need to take care of our families, our loved ones. With that a woman should always ask herself if she's being fair to herself too. This is very important."


Sheetal Petker on shethepeople Capturing the moods of the modern woman: Sheetal Petker

Advice to the entrepreneurs out there....

"The real time to start up your dream is when you are strongly inspired. When you lose sleep over it, you can't stop thinking about it, jump and start working on it even if you don't have all the resources. Start and help will follow. Do not procrastinate. Follow your heart, follow your inspiration always."

Sheetal Petkar photography Women in their different hues caught on camera by Sheetal Petkar

Also read: Weaving magic for transgender women: A unique initiative by a Kerala designer

The gender fairness in advertising. 

"All I understand of it and something that bothers me is projection of a false body image to sell something. Making people believe being dark or plump is not cool. Advertising should be sensitive when it comes to this."

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women with start-ups in India Sheetal Petkar Indian female Photographers