
UK Disabled Woman Loses Benefits Despite Her Health Getting Worse

Kavya Kothiyal
New Update
Disability law

A disabled woman in the UK became confined in her own house after some changes were made to the disability benefits introduced by the Conservatives.


Trudy Appleby (57) from Mansfield developed Degenerative Arthritis and Bursitis in 2013 and was later diagnosed with Osteoporosis. Her condition became more serious thereafter. She was initially given disability living allowances (DLA) and a car for her mobility support, but her benefits were cut right after she was diagnosed with Osteoporosis last summer.

The department of work and pension (DWP) took the decision after having a detailed assessment report by its sub-contracted company, Capita, about the needs of the people receiving disability payments. Following this, the 57-year-old lady was moved from highest level of DLA to the lowest level of personal independence payment (PIP). Even her car was taken away from her.

Appleby used to work in advertising before she fell ill and was forced to use food banks. “I fell down some steps and broke my shoulder in May, and by June I realised that I couldn’t do anything for myself. I was really depressed, and then they sent me a letter from PIP saying they were going to take the car and the money back," she told The Independent.

“I was suicidal for that month. I phoned the Samaritans. I told family that I didn’t want to be here, and I was really, really low. I've developed anxiety on top of my depression. I don't understand why they gave me support before, and now have taken it away, when actually my condition has gotten worse. It's degenerative.

She had also sent a note to the DWP urging to undertake an assessment of her disability benefit requirements. According to the Independent reports, the lady has a history depression and suffers from Arthritis and Osteoporosis and her situation is worsening.

According to Independent, a DWP Spokesperson said in response to Appleby's case: “Decisions for PIP are made after considering all the information provided by the claimant and their GP or medical specialist. Most people leaving the Motability scheme are eligible for a one-off payment of up to £2,000 to help meet their needs.”


Also read: Make the Indian Railways Disabled-Friendly: Open Letter

Kavya Kothiyal Is An Intern With SheThePeople.TV

women rights benefits for disabled #disability