COVID-19 Vaccination Infertility Myth: After the reports of COVID-19 vaccines available in India causing infertility among men and women, the Union Health Ministry came out with a clarification and refuted such claims.
The ministry in its press release stated that there is scientific evidence of COVID-19 vaccines affecting fertility among individuals. Their statement read, "The Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has clarified in FAQs posted on the website ( that none of the available vaccines affects the fertility of either men or women, as all vaccines and their constituents are first tested on animals and later in humans to assess if they have any such side effects. Vaccines are authorised for use only after their safety and efficacy are assured."
The ministry also stated that lactating women are recommended to take COVID-19 vaccines available in India.
Busting the myth that has been causing vaccine hesitancy among individuals, the press release stated that the clarification regarding the infertility claims and COVID-19 vaccines has also been given by the Government of India.
On June 25, 2021, the Director-General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) had said, " The Ministry of Health has given the guideline that vaccine can be given to pregnant women. Vaccination is useful in pregnant women, and it should be given." As the COVID-19 vaccination is only recommended for lactating women as of yet, he said that the ministry will soon publish guidelines for the vaccination of pregnant women.
Several studies done so far in this area have come out with the conclusion that pregnant women should be given COVID-19 vaccines. As per a report published by ICMR, the second wave of COVID-19 saw more and more pregnant women getting infected with the virus. The World Health Organisation has also stated that pregnant women are at high risk in terms of COVID-19 vaccines.