
Alok Nath Defamation: Court Allows Vinta Nanda To Speak Freely

New Update
FIR Alok Nath

Mumbai's Dindoshi Sessions Court has rejected actor Alok Nath's wife's request for an injunction order against Vinta Nanda, as per reports.  The court says it can't pass an order against her at this stage. The court, with this order, has allowed Vinta Nanda to speak freely on any platform she wishes to. 


Alok Nath's wife made the request citing that Nanda is maligning her husband's image in the public eye.

The court rejected Alok Nath's wife's plea that Vinta Nanda should not be allowed to speak to media (print, TV, and social media) and make defamatory statements against the couple.

Advocate Ashok Saraogi, representing Alok Nath, argued that Nanda has made up a the story of being raped. He went on to accuse Nanda of making allegations to gain publicity. Nanda’s advocate, Dhruti Kapadia, told the court that her post detailing the harassment incident was only done to bring forth the truth and not with an intent to cause defamation. She stressed that the #MeToo movement had given Nanda a rightful platform to speak.

Alok Nath had filed a suit seeking Re 1 as damages. He claimed Nanda had defamed him by stating she was sexually harassed by him in the 90s.

Nanda detailed her ordeal in a Facebook post earlier this month

Vinta Nanda, a veteran writer-producer, has accused actor Alok Nath of sexually violating her almost two decades ago.


Following this, Alok Nath also sought a restraining order against Nanda, which was opposed by her through her advocate.

Kapadia, Nanda's advocate, submitted that an injunction order against her client would send a wrong signal to all women who have managed to speak up against harassment. She also argued that a “skin-saving tactic” of filing defamation suits against women will harass them further and suppress them into silence and, therefore, an injunction should not be granted in this regard, too.

Kapadia also argued that Nanda had approached the police with a complaint. Although the allegations can be a matter of trial, a restraint on the right to speak can harm the movement's cause further.

Also Read: Creating Positive Change: Managing #MeToo At The Workplace

Alok Nath #MeToo Vinta Nanda Vinta Alok Nath Dindoshi Sessions Court Court rejects Alok #MeToo India