
Corona Warriors: In Assam, Women SHGs Make 51 Lakh Masks

Corona warriors: Assam women Self Help Groups (SHG) make masks under the brand name ‘Asomi’ and are distributing it across the state.

Saumya Tiwari
Updated On
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Assam Women SHGs

Women self-help groups of Assam have gone back to their sewing machines. They are aggressively using their skills to make masks to fight against the deadly COVID-19. The group is selling and distributing masks across the state with the brand name ‘Asomi’. Over 10,600 women Self Help Groups (SHGs) have stitched over 51.23 lakh face masks out of these, 31,71,314 masks have been sold.


Read also:Meet These Two Women Doctors Who Are Frontline Corona Warriors

Assam women Self Help Groups (SHG) make masks 

Sanitizers and face masks are the most essential commodities today, to prevent one from catching COVIS-19. But the bitter truth is that these things are lacking in supply. Hence, these women SHGs of Assam have taken to stitching masks and distributing them for free.

Over 10,600 women Self Help Groups (SHGs) have stitched over 51.23 lakh face masks out of these, 31,71,314 masks have been sold.

Distribution of Masks

The groups have installed 84 stalls across the state with the brand name ‘Asomi’. The group has sold, 31,71,314 masks in total and have earned around Rs. 7.15 crore through sale of masks.


The group also distributed more than four lakh masks free of cost amongst the people who can’t afford it.

Read also:  We are all niqabis now: Coronavirus masks reveal hypocrisy of face covering bans

Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal meets the SHGs women 

Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal visited the manufacturing unit of women SHGs to take a look at their activities. He encouraged them to continue economic endeavours in the state.

The women self groups work under the National Rural Livelihood Mission, Assam at Tatimara near Chandrapur in Kamrup (Metro) district.

The Assam Chief Minister told India Today “People would need to carry on observing the COVID-19 protocols like wearing of masks, maintaining social distancing and frequent hand washing till there is no vaccine for the deadly virus and only strict observance of health department guidelines would ensure containment of the outbreak.”


He further said that "steps have been taken to bring back the state’s people stranded outside and those returnees must also adhere to COVID-19 protocols".

He went on to urge and request people not to panic as only staying united in this fight against the global pandemic can bring victory. Around 15 people in Guwahati tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday.

Coronavirus cases in India

The total number of coronavirus cases in India has reached 81,970 (as of now while writing this report) out of which 27,920 recovered and 2,649 have died.

Read also: Differently-Abled Woman Makes 1000 Masks For Health Workers

Saumya Tiwari is an intern with SheThePeople.TV

Women Self Help Groups SHGs Coronawarriors #Sarbananda Sonowal Self help groups Asomi Chief Minister Assam