
Chinese Woman Diagnosed With 'Love Brain' For Calling BF 100 Times A Day

An 18-year-old woman in China, identified only as Xiaoyu, has been hospitalised after exhibiting obsessive behaviour towards her boyfriend. The situation escalated when Xiaoyu called her boyfriend over 100 times in a single day and he did not answer

Pavi Vyas
New Update
women mental health

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Relationship issues are hard to tackle for young minds. While breakups are emotionally taxing, who must have thought a dispute in a relationship with her boyfriend would lead a young lady to end up in a hospital bed in China? An 18-year-old Chinese girl identified as only Xiaoyu from Sichuan province in southwestern China reportedly became so overly obsessed with her boyfriend that it impacted her mental health severely causing her to be hospitalised as she was diagnosed with "love brain". Here's what it means:


Chinese Woman Diagnosed With 'Love Brain'; Ends Up In Hospital Bed

After Xiaoyu called her boyfriend 100 times a day without receiving a response, the situation escalated dramatically as she began self-harming, hurling households and even making self-harming threats. Her boyfriend worried about her well-being and safety, called the police. 

The officers just arrived on time when Xiaoyu was threatening to jump off their balcony, and saved a potential tragedy. Xiaoyu's condition was so extreme that police officers took her to the hospital for evaluation where she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

Xiaoyu's atypical obsessive behaviour, as per the local reports, began during the first year of university as she became overly dependent on her boyfriend, demanding constant communication and updates on his whereabouts. This possessiveness placed a significant strain on the relationship, leaving her boyfriend feeling suffocated

Dr Du Na, a doctor at the hospital where Xiaoyu is being treated explained that borderline personality disorder is a condition characterised by intense mood swings, unstable relationships, and a distorted self-image and can co-occur with other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. 

Dr Du Na also suggested how the condition of borderline personality disorder (BPD) might be linked to unhealthy childhood attachments and hinted that people who must not have a healthy relationship with their parents in childhood might often get hit by such conditions. 


The term "love brain" is not a recognised medical diagnosis. However, it's a colloquial term given by doctors in China to describe this type of obsessive behaviour in romantic relationships as one is excessively invested in such relationships, often to the point of neglecting their own well-being and exhibiting unhealthy control over their partner.

Borderline Personality Disorder Love Brain