
Former Kindergarten Teacher Executed In China For Poisoning Children

Former kindergarten teacher, Wang Yun, was executed in China for poisoning children's porridge. The case highlighted child safety concerns.

Harnur Watta
New Update
Image credits: Mothership.SG

Image credits: Mothership.SG

In a shocking incident, a former kindergarten teacher in central China was executed this week for a heinous crime committed four years ago. Wang Yun, 39, was found guilty of killing one child and injuring 24 others by poisoning their porridge with sodium nitrite. 

The execution took place after Wang's unsuccessful appeal against her sentence, which was initially handed down by the Jiaozuo city intermediate people's Court in September 2020.

According to state media reports, Wang's identity was verified by the same court on Thursday before she was escorted to the execution ground. The death sentence was subsequently carried out, as confirmed in a court statement.

The tragic incident unfolded in March 2019 when Wang, then a kindergarten teacher, purchased sodium nitrite following a dispute with a fellow teacher. According to the court's ruling, Wang added the chemical compound to the children's "eight treasures porridge" the next morning. The popular sweet-flavoured rice-based porridge which is a national delicacy of the nation, became a vehicle for the poison that would have severe consequences.

China Teacher Executed For Poisoning Children

The court ruled that Wang's actions resulted in the death of one child due to multiple organ failures caused by poisoning, while two dozen others suffered minor injuries, as reported by Reuters.

The severity of the crime, combined with the loss of innocent lives, has brought attention to the issue of violence in Chinese kindergartens. Wang's case is just one of several high-profile instances of violence and deaths within educational institutions in recent years. 


In a separate incident on Monday, a 25-year-old man attacked a kindergarten in China's Guangdong province, leaving six people dead and one injured. This incident has triggered widespread concern about violence against children in schools, further emphasising the urgency to address safety measures and protect the well-being of students.

China has drawn international scrutiny for its high number of executions each year. Human rights NGO Amnesty International estimates that China executes thousands of people annually, significantly surpassing any other country. However, China does not publicly disclose execution data, making it challenging to ascertain precise figures.

The incident calls for a comprehensive examination of the underlying causes and a reevaluation of measures to prevent such occurrences, ensuring the protection and welfare of all students across the country. 

It also highlights the ongoing need for improved safety measures and increased awareness of mental health issues among educators and caretakers in China's educational institutions.

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Poisoning kindergarten Executions china