Child Marriage Study: A study recently found that Child Marriage results in the death of over 60 girls every single day, all over the world. The study, titled Global Girlhood Report 2021, was released on October 11, on the occasion of International Day of the Girl Child. West and Central Africa account for nearly half of all child marriage related deaths worldwide the report stated.
The report, Global Girlhood Report 2021, was released by Save the Children. It also found that an estimate of 22,000 girls lost their lives every year, as a result of being married early. Reasons for death vary from early pregnancies and childbirth, after an early marriage.
West and Central Africa accounted for 9,600 deaths, which is nearly half of all the estimated child marriage related deaths according to the study. This African region also has the highest rate of child marriages in the world along with the highest teenage maternal mortality rate.
In the South Asian Region, there are around 2,000 estimated deaths worldwide, with six each day, the report found. It is followed by East Asia and the Pacific with around 650 deaths and Latin America, with 560 annual deaths.
In The Global Girlhood Report 2021, Save the Children also said the COVID -19 pandemic has stalled the process against child marriages across the world. The virus has pushed a lot of people into poverty, and that has only led to a further increase in violent crimes against women. The report also projected that by 2030, a further 10 million girls are expected to get married as a child, with a lot more at risk of dying. Childbirth is the number one killer of teenage girls, as their bodies are not ready to bear children.
The report compares the data for 186 countries. With Singapore and Slovenia being the top two ranking countries.