
CEO of 1-page believes women can outperform men in tech

Joanna Weidenmiller, CEO Page-1 believes that women in tech have the potential to outperform men in the field.

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For decades now, women have faced gender bias at workplace. Even with changing times and formation of strict policies at work, much more needs to be done to create a more secure and healthier environment for women employees. At the G20 Summit-sponsored Women in Leadership conference, important women leaders pledged to commit themselves to reducing the gender participation gap in the workforce 25 per cent by 2025.



According to various reports, a very small percentage of women in the US currently hold STEM degrees.  Joanna Weidenmiller, CEO of 1-page, feels that the coming generation of women in the tech sector will be discouraged because of all the negative conversation around it. Thankfully, campaigns like the #YesAllWomen, have brought the much needed attention to gender inequality at work.


According to a report by EET India, Weidenmiller said, "No kid is going to want to be doing this is if all we talk about is the negatives of . Technology is so new, and women in business is relatively new… Men are trying to catch up as fast as they can and get out of their gorilla style, but they're not as quick as we are."


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She believes that women produce more cortisol, a hormone that is secreted during times of stress, and so they are biologically built for the stressful tech industry and feels that women hedge fund managers outperform their male counterparts by 55 per cent.


She concluded by saying, “Men can complain all they want, but I would be scared shitless if I were a man. Women are unbelievable; they perform incredibly well against men. I think we should be talking more about how do you have a work life balance. People like Marissa Mayer got to where they are because, regardless, they performed."





Joanna Weidenmiller women in Tech advancing women in tech CEO Page-1