
20 Candidates In Phase 7 Charged With Crimes Against Women

A report by the Association for Democratic Reforms states, 20 candidates have declared cases related to crime against women including two candidates who have rape cases declared against them.

Poorvi Gupta
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Last Phase of Lok Sabha election is set to begin on May 19 and a total of 918 candidates are in the fray. Of these 918 candidates, only 96 women are contesting in phase seven. A report by the Association for Democratic Reforms states, 20 candidates have declared cases related to crime against women including two candidates who have  rape cases declared against them.


These crimes range from assault or use of criminal force against woman with intent to outrage her modesty, involved in dowry death, husband or relative of husband of a woman subjecting her to cruelty of word, gesture or act intended to insult the modesty of a woman.

Apart from these, there are several other candidates who also have cases registered against themselves that they have declared in their affidavits. Around 10 candidates have declared cases related to hate speech against them. There are seven candidates who have declared cases related to kidnapping or abducting in order to murder and kidnapping or abducting with intent to secretly and wrongfully confine a person. A total of 34 candidates have declared murder cases in their candidacy documents.

BJP has fielded a total of 45 candidates of which 18 or 42% have criminal cases against them then comes Congress which has fielded 45 candidates of which 14 (31%) have declared criminal cases. BSP has 39 of its candidates in the fray in phase seven of which six (15%) have criminal cases booked against them while AAP has fielded 14 candidates among whom three (21%) are accused in some criminal case. There are a total of 313 independent candidates also in the fray of which 29 (9%) candidates have criminal cases.

A total of 33 out of 59 constituencies are red alert constituencies. Red alert constituencies are those constituencies where three or more contesting candidates have declared criminal cases against themselves.

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A total of 33 out of 59 constituencies are red alert constituencies. Red alert constituencies are those constituencies where three or more contesting candidates have declared criminal cases against themselves.


The report also analysed the candidates on the basis of their assets and found that the average asset per candidate contesting in the Lok Sabha Phase seven elections is Rs 4.61 crores. Among major parties, the average assets per candidate for 45 INC candidates is Rs 17.15 crores, 43 BJP candidates own assets worth Rs 9.82 crores, 39 BSP candidates have average assets of Rs 5.24 crores, and 14 AAP candidates have average assets of Rs 5.20 crore.

There are 278 candidates or 31% who have assets worth one crore rupees and more. Among the major parties 40 candidates or 89% out of 45 candidates are from INC, 36 candidates or 84% out of 43 candidates belong to BJP. Around 11 candidates or 28% out of 39 candidates are fielded by BSP while nine candidates or 64% of 14 candidates are from AAP. And a total of 59 independent candidates or 19% have also declared assets worth more than one crore rupees.

Picture credit: Zikoko

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Phase Seven Candidates Candidates Crimes Against Women women-related crimes #WomenAndTheVote women candidates