
Boost Your Business In Ahmedabad With Facebook And SheThePeople.TV

Hemant Chandiramani
New Update
Boost Your Business In Ahmedabad With Facebook And SheThePeople.TV

Boost Your Business presented by Facebook in partnership with SheThePeople.TV had full house in Ahmedabad, their eighth city in India for this noble initiative. Held at the Hyatt Regency in the heart of the city, the idea was to get women together to discuss the opportunities internet and social media are opening up. FICCI FLO in the city partnered with this leg of the tour bringing in an important voice locally. In addition to that, Facebook held a detailed workshop on business online and use of social media.


Boost Your Business program is high energy meet of women entrepreneurs, helps women entrepreneurs to gain expertise in various fields that can benefit them in running their businesses and increasing their profit. Its main objective is to help women, so that they can build a successful social brand and utilize their technical resources efficiently.

Ahmedabad has emerged as an important economic and industrial hub in India.  Women are skilled and talented and run successful businesses here.

Ritesh Mehta, Head of Economic Growth Initiatives for Facebook India said, “Our Boost Your Business program is an initiative to enhance the knowledge, skills and technology of different women entrepreneurs who are running SMEs from different cities. Facebook provides a platform to these SMEs for exploring various dimensions by optimum utilization of social media. It helps small businesses in connecting them with new customers and expanding their horizon in this competitive world.”

Amrita Tripathi, Editor at Large SheThePeople said, "For us at SheThePeople.TV it's always heartening to meet and hear the real stories on the ground from women entrepreneurs, whichever stage of the journey they are in. It's often the case that when we leave our comfort zones (and head out of the metros) we are constantly amazed and refreshed by the energy of people striving to make a difference. To that extent we've been more than delighted to collaborate in the FB Boost Your Business' 10 City tour.


During the event in Ahmedabad, women entrepreneurs had the opportunity to meet and interact with each other and share their experiences on managing and marketing their businesses. They also interacted with the panel of women entrepreneurs who shared insights on their businesses.

The team of experts from Facebook also organized hands-on training sessions for the attendees to cover a mélange of topics like how to effectively use mobile; create engaging content, leverage the power of social media to grow their business through social media networks like Facebook and Instagram.

she the people ahmedabad women entrepreneurs work from home jobs Women Entrepreneurs in India boost your business