
Bitten by the business bug? Here is a Five point leadership thumb-rule for every entrepreneur

Even as India is riding high on the start-up wave, we bring you some handy tips and rules you must follow if the entrepreneurship bug has bitten you.

Poorvi Gupta
New Update
Leader's qualities

India is currently riding high on the start-up wave. Job seekers are now becoming job providers in the market and why not? After all, what you need day is an out-of-the-box idea and the government is ready to provide you the funds. Investors are much more interested today in funding smaller start-ups with greater ideas than ever before. With metropolitan cities turning into a startup hub, there is nothing that stops either man or woman to be their own boss. Here are some leadership qualities you need to have to create a successful business of your own-

  •  Stable Attitude- Having a stable attitude towards work will enable team support from other employees and colleagues alike. An inconsistent behaviour attracts bad publicity for the company and the person-in-charge which calls for criticism for all the entrepreneurs in general.
  •  Confidence- To run a company, a person needs to have faith in their abilities and pursue the job with a kind of stature that radiates leadership among their co-workers. One must possess the confidence and the strength needed to hold firm and take the important decisions in its favour. Apart from this, it also involves a certain level of risk-taking ability which shoots up the business to new heights.

Also read: The power of persuasion: 10 handy tips

Women in business One needs to inspire confidence in co-workers and employees in order to be successful.

  •  Dynamic- The ability to adapt to change and witness the changes with calm demeanour makes an entrepreneur lead in the race of life and elsewhere. As they say that the only thing constant is change so it is essential for a founder to adjust and compromise in order to rise to the top.
  •  Tough Spirit- A firm runs on business and not on emotions so it is of utmost importance to keep the profits flowing and not emotions. However, excess of toughness may be perceived negatively since working with a team does require a level of gentile. It should be used in the exact amount for it to be fruitful to an entrepreneur.

Also watch: Get money to chase your dream projects: Meet Priyanka Agarwal of Wishberry

  •  Focus- This one is the quintessential quality every entrepreneur must have since one thinks of starting up a business. A most significant part of a founder, focus majorly decides whether a startup would succeed or not.


Entrepreneurs startup india Indian Leaders Leadership Qualities leaders leadership Qualities