
BHU Gets Its First Woman Chief Proctor, Royona Singh

Charvi Kathuria
New Update

Banaras Hindu University (BHU) has got its first woman chief proctor - Royona Singh. She is the first woman to hold this post in the institute's 101-year-old history. Singh is a professor of anatomy at the university's Institute of Medical Sciences.


With this appointment, BHU girls can finally look forward to some positive changes.


Singh lived in the French town of Royan for nine years in the 1980s.

No ban on drinking and non-veg for girls

Singh doesn't believe in banning drinking for girls. "As far as drinking is concerned, all girls here are above 18, why should we even impose such a thought on them?" she asked.

She is also averse to the idea of banning non-vegetarian food in the mess.


The new chief proctor plans to introduce a range of stringent measures to keep issues of eve-teasing, rowdyism or display of ostentatious wealth at BHU under check.

Read Also: BHU Protest Spreads To Delhi; Two Cops Suspended

More sensitivity towards women's issues

She also wants to sensitize guards and wardens on these sensitive issues.

We have barricading done to ensure bikes don't move fast. We are also cutting branches and twigs on trees to accommodate lights," Singh said, adding that she will be more sensitive with regard to women's issues.

No dress code for girls


Royona feels that  asking girls to adhere to a specific dress-code is futile.

"I was born in Europe. I frequently travel to Europe and Canada. Putting a dressing restriction on girls would be like imposing it on myself. You start your day at 6 am and end at 10.30 pm, and if you still can't wear what you feel comfortable in, then it is a shame in this era. I find it strange when boys use the words 'skimpily clad'. If a girl feels comfortable in what she wears, what's their objection?" she told TOI.

The university has been in news for violent clashes taking place between the students and police officials after the latter failed to provide justice to a girl molested last week.

Read Also: BHU Incident: Her fault? She was out at 6 pm in the evening

Picture credit: Jagran Josh


woman empowerment BHU Royona Singh first woman chief proctor