
How Artificial Intelligence Impacts our Daily Lives

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Lakshmi, country’s first banking robot

Artificial Intelligence has been fascinating for decades and it is now coming forth as a reality. Scientists have made breakthroughs in machine-learning using neural networks which mimic the functioning of real neurons. These machines process information on a very sophisticated level, performing various complex functions like facial recognition. While this technology is rudimentary at the present, more sophisticated forms of Artificial intelligence await us. AI has come to impact our daily lives.


Autonomous Transportation

Although most vehicles need a driver to be present behind the wheels, some self-driven cars have been introduced. Tesla with its “autopilot” feature and Google’s testing a self-driven car made headlines for progress in AI.

Read Also: Artificial Intelligence and the Women in It

Security Surveillance

One person monitoring multiple video cameras is not so secure. However, with training exercises for computers, security algorithms can take input from security cameras and determine whether there may be a threat and alert human security officers. Many systems are being put in place where computers are being used to determine whether a particular transaction is a fraud or not. Companies and Banks are now using AI to keep attendance tracks where there is no need to manually enter the timings or punch cards, just place your finger on a device and the system will recognize the worker.

This powerful and smart authentication system tracks measurable physical characteristics, such as thumb impression, eye cornea, or even the whole face.


Smart home devices

Many smart home devices, include the ability to learn behaviour patterns and adjust the settings according to their “acquired understanding.” Setting temperatures of the thermostat and other devices, turning on the oven when one leaves from work for home instead of doing it on reaching home helps save time. By setting preferences and defaults, the lighting of the house can be adjusted automatically by AI. It reads which room is unused or how bright should the television be.

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Improving Healthcare

Healthcare is one of those areas which most require the installation of AI. A system of sensors is used in hospitals these days to monitor the patients 24 hours a day and report in case of any misshapen. Watson supercomputer systems are offering programs like "cognitive health" which can analyze a person's genome and offer personalized treatment for various diseases like cancer.

Advancements in Education


Transforming education has been the matter of talks in every corner of our country. Whether being the bigger classroom sizes with a minimal budget in hands or lacking technological advancement in the whole system, the country's future already hangs in dilemma. With AI students would be able to learn better with instant feedback and guidance. Teachers would get rich learning analytics and insights to personalize instruction. Parents would see improved career prospects for their children at a reduced cost. Schools would be able to scale high-quality education, and governments would be able to provide affordable education to all.

Read Also: Changing Kids Education With Robotics- Aditi Prasad, Robotix Learning Solutions

Providing ease in Jobs

AI is being used in dangerous jobs such as defusing bombs. They are technically drones and need humans to control them. But can fill in for the physical presence of the human beings at the required location. They have saved thousands of lives in the process by taking over one of the riskiest jobs in the world. Siri, Cortana, Google Now are all digital personal assistants that help on various platforms of mobile and desktop devices. One can set reminders like-“Remind me to call Cherry at eight o’clock”- or ask questions like-“Where’s the nearest metro station?”- the assistant will search and reply with the information using other apps.

Changing our Love Life

Launched in 2012, dating app Tinder has over 50 million users in 195 plus countries. Tinder founder and chairman Sean Rad said in a Podcast interview with the Forbes


"There might be a moment when Tinder is just so good at predicting the few people who you're interested in, and Tinder might do a lot of the leg work in organizing a date, right?"

It is likely that soon Tinder would match the personalities and find potential partners for people living nearby. Falling in love through Artificial Intelligence can transform to Falling in love with Artificial Intelligence.

Thanks to the creation of all life-like robots and their rapid sophistication.

Pic credit- B3infoarena

Divyangna is an intern with SheThePeople.TV 

Robotics easier life digital assistant automation artificial intelligence