
5 Ways To Promote Gender Equality In The Workplace

Read on to know ways to promote gender equality in the workplace.

Charvi Kathuria
New Update
Women Entrepreneurs

International Women's Day is round the corner and there is a lot of stimulating discussions revolving around the need to bring more women in power. It is heartening to see a dialogue of this kind taking place in the country. The problem of gender inequality, however, doesn't end here. More and more women can be brought to the workforce but what about the rampant sexism prevalent in the workplace?. These issues need to be addressed first.


Read on to know ways to promote gender equality in the workplace:

1. Ask For A Raise

The only way to bring an end to the gender-pay gap is by asking for a raise. Women deserve to get the fruits of their labour. This Women's Day, muster up courage and ask for a decent raise in your salary. Who knows, this might motivate other women to fight for their rights, too?

Also Read: WorkPlaces Need To Adopt To Welcome More Women

2. Motivate your female colleagues

There are just so many myths related to women. The most famous one is that women do not see eye to eye with their female colleagues. They are competitive in nature and so on.. Try to befriend all your female colleagues. Ask them to narrate their life-stories. Take them out for a coffee. Develop a bond that goes beyond office gossip and politics.


3. Work Hard and Gain Visibility

So, you are now a part of an esteemed organisation. Congrats! It is time to become a part and parcel of it now. Strive to be the best. Try giving your 100 per cent at whatever you do. Do not flinch away from socializing with other colleagues. Let everyone know who you are and what you are upto.

4. Be aware of your company's norms

Does your company offer maternity leave? Are female colleagues treated with respect? Are there any rules against sexual harassment? Get some knowledge about these issues, confront your organisation if they do not have any. Apart form ensuring your security and well-being, you will help hundreds of women working in the office waiting to get their due.

5. Use sarcasm as a tool

Sarcasm is a powerful tool. Use it for your defence. It can save you from unnecessary drama. It will help you retain your sanity at your workplace without making you unpopular among your colleagues.


Also Read: Law and Her: Understanding Sexual Harassment Rights At Work Places.

women empwerment sexism. workplace equality