
5 Health Benefits Of Having A Pet

Nikhita Sanotra
New Update
Woman with her dog

A dog is a man’s (and woman's) best friend, and now researchers have shown that this is true in more ways than one. While everyone knows that having a pet can be a stress buster, there are other major health benefits that your furry babies give you. One of the very important things that pets do is to improve your mood on a daily basis. Cuddling your cat, dog, or hamster can make you happier on a daily basis (what a life hack, isn't it?)


Here are some other health benefits of having a pet (read more reason to adopt pets!):

Strong Immune Systems

People who have pets usually have a stronger immune system and can fight off diseases easier. Kids who grow up in a house with pets have 33% less likelihood of developing allergies when they are young. Our pets make us strong from the inside!

Lower Blood Pressure

When you pet your dog or your cat, this sends a relaxing signal to your brain. This results in a drop in the blood pressure. If you undergo a lot of stress at work, have hypertension or high blood pressure - adopting a pet can be therapy for you.

Strong Heart

Studies show that cat owners have a 30% lower risk of heart attacks than people who don’t have cats. There haven’t been many studies about dogs but people in multiple pet houses are likely to be healthier than people with no pets at all

Less Anxiety

When it comes to having a panic or anxiety attack pets can be a great help. Hugging a dog, or petting a cat can be a simple gesture, but it definitely improves your mood and makes you less anxious. Pets can also help people with Alzheimer’s disease to have less anxious outbursts.

More Fitness

Walking your dog every day obviously, has a big health benefit for you! You feel more active and fit if you walk at least 30 minutes a day. When you have a dog, you can’t get lazy and not take it for a walk and once you do, it becomes a daily routine.


Here are some organisations that will help you adopt an animal (#AdoptDontShop):

Dog Spot

Blue Cross of India

VSPCA - India

Paws India

CUPA Bangalore



Pic credits: Lifehack

Also read: Beyond the Cuddle: What can we do to help animals around us?


women love animals stress relief pets Heart diseases furry babies cuddling cats Health Benefits Dogs hypertension Anxiety