
25-Yr-Old Stabbed For 'Modern' Lifestyle; Is This The Cost Of Independence?

Charvi Kathuria
New Update
modern woman murdered in india

This is the India we live in. A young girl of 25 is murdered brutally for being 'modern'. How can a woman lead her life independently? How can she befriend boys? Speaking English and being intelligent - how could these be the domains of a woman? The murderer of a 25 year old Indian girl stabbed 38 times for being modern and independent has outraged young women.


She was stabbed because she spoke to boys

The incident puts limelight on the extent to which some men can go to control women. How difficult is it for men to understand that our lives do not revolve around them and we are free to follow the dictates of our heart? Is this the price an Indian woman pays to be her normal self and do what she likes?

The accused confessed in front of the police officer that he was in love with her and had even proposed her when he was in class XII. He said that the girl agreed to be in a relationship only once she managed to get a job. Her dressing style, however, infuriated him. He also mentioned that he abhorred the fact that she used to speak to her male colleagues and so he stabbed her.

SheThePeople spoke to some young women across Delhi University. "This is the act of a maniac, to say the least. I am utterly shocked at how insensitive and ruthless people can be these days. Also his agitation over a woman choosing to make male friends and adopt a modern lifestyles out of her own will is highly unjustified," said 19 year old Nimisha Bansal from Lady Shri Ram College. "It reflects the larger patriarchal mindset that still wants women to be subdued and submissive. I think the man needs not only a severe punishment but also psychological lessons in order to eradicate the root cause of his mindset."

Are women public property?

"I don't understand why men feel that women are some public property who have no wishes & no life of their own . These murderers should be brutally hanged & tortured. So that they can realise the worth of some other person's independence", says 22 year old Delhi based Ayushi Jain.

"The incident reflects the larger patriarchal mindset that still wants women to be subdued and submissive. I think the man needs not only a severe punishment but also psychological lessons in order to eradicate the root cause of his mindset" - 19 year old Nimisha


Why can't men accept a no?

25 year old Bhawana Bisht from Nainital says," It pains my heart to see what the young girl must have gone through. Why can’t these boys and men learn to accept a “No”!Why aren’t they taught the fact that women have the right to make their own life decisions just like they are! And what is this crap thinking about ‘ the idea of a modern woman’ that’s going around. It’s so enraging to see that this boy had the audacity to murder a woman in a busy area just because she refused his proposal. Now, if we’re not able to deal with these things how can we work towards the major changes our country still needs to go through?"

Also: Class 12th Girl Stabbed To Death By Four Men In UP



sanskaari indian indian girl murdered 25 year old stabbed