
Around 137 Women Killed Globally Everyday Due To Domestic Violence

According to new report by the United Nations, around 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical or sexual violence in the hands of intimate partners. When talking about nations in general, national studies at many places show that nearly 70% of women have faced physical or sexual violence by intimate partners in their lifetime.

Anushika Srivastava
Updated On
New Update

According to a new report by the United Nations, the most dangerous place for women worldwide is their own home. According to the report, around 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical or sexual violence in the hands of intimate partners. When talking about nations in general, national studies at many places show that nearly 70% of women have faced physical or sexual violence by intimate partners in their lifetime. Some important takeaways from the report are:

  • According to the report, women who have experienced domestic violence have greater chances of reporting depressions, stress, having an abortion, and acquiring HIV as compared to women who haven’t gone through domestic violence.
  • It is also estimated that of the 87000 women who were killed intentionally in the year 2017, more than half, i.e., around 58 percent, were killed by their intimate partners. This means that around 137 women across the world are killed every day due to domestic violence.
  • Around 51% of women trafficked globally is an adult. Women and girls collectively account for 71% of humans trafficked globally, where girls are three out of four children trafficked globally. Also, every three out of four girls trafficked globally, are trafficked for sexual exploitation.
  • Though the global rate of child marriage has declined at present, currently there are 650 million women and girls today who were married before the age of 18 years.
  • Data from 30 countries that have genital mutilation prevalent shows that around 200 million women and girls alive today have undergone genital mutilation. Moreover, the majority of girls went through the genital mutilation before the age of five.
  • 15 million adolescent girls have gone through forced sex at some point in their life. Out of these, nine million adolescent girls went through this only in the past year. Also, the adolescent girls are most at the risk of being forced at sex by the former husband, current husband or boyfriend.
  • Twenty-three percent of female undergraduate university students reported having experienced sexual assault or sexual misconduct in a survey across 27 universities in the United States in 2015.
  • Results from a national Australian survey show that almost two out of five women (39 per cent) aged 15 and older who have been in the workforce in the last five years have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace during that period, compared to one out of four (26 percent) of their male counterparts.

According to a new report by the United Nations, the most dangerous place for women worldwide is their own home. According to the report, around 35% of women worldwide have experienced either physical or sexual violence in the hands of intimate partners.

Domestic violence in India

According to the National Family Health Survey conducted in 2018, 27 percent of women have experienced domestic violence since the age of 15 in India. This means that every third woman has gone through Domestic Violence. Also, this experience of domestic violence is more common among women in rural areas. Most of the times, the perpetrators are husbands. This makes the home as the most dangerous place for women. About 31 percent of married women have experienced physical, sexual, or emotional violence by their spouses. The most common type of spousal violence is physical violence (27%), followed by emotional violence (13%).

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United Nations Domestic Violence United Nations Survey United Nations Report Global Report