
This Bride And Groom Rode A Water Tanker To Their Wedding, Here's Why

Vishal Kolekar, a resident of Peth in Kolhapur, wed Aparna Salunkhe. To highlight the city's water issue, Vishal accompanied his bride in a water tanker. This wedding is now being talked about throughout the city.

Khushi Sabharwal
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Bride and groom on water tanker
In Kolhapur, Maharashtra, an unusual wedding ceremony was held.  The irregular water supply in the area forces locals to rely on water tankers to meet their needs, the groom said. Instead of using a car for the wedding procession, Mr Kolekar and his bride Aparna rode in a water tanker and a banner affixed to the vehicle stated that the couple would postpone their honeymoon until the problem with the water supply was remedied.

On Tuesday, Vishal Kolekar, a resident of Peth in Kolhapur, wed Aparna Salunkhe. To highlight the city's water issue, Vishal accompanied his bride in a water tanker. This wedding is now being talked about throughout the city.

Bride and Groom on Water Tanker

The banner that was hoisted on the water tanker used for the wedding procession by Kolekar and his bride Aparna stated that they would not be leaving on their honeymoon until the problem with the water supply was fixed.

In reality, there are several issues with the water supply in the nearby regions of Vishal Kolekar's home. Vishal stated, "Water comes once every four days". The locals may experience a lot of trouble as a result. The issue has allegedly not been identified despite several complaints to the municipal corporation. Vishal and Aparna have made an effort to alert the local authority as a result of this. The newlyweds assert that unless the water issue is rectified, they will not go to a honeymoon.

"We have a social group called Prince Club here and through our platform, we have been appraising the civil administration about the irregular water supply in some of the areas of Mangalwar Peth. But despite our pleas, the issue has not been addressed," said the groom, Kolekar, a private company employee in the city of western Maharashtra. Residents are dependent on water trucks to provide for their needs because the area's water supply is unpredictable, he said.

Vishal claimed that he had requested a tanker load of water from his father-in-law as a gift for his daughter to avoid any issues. To grant his son-in-wish law's and to keep his daughter from experiencing any difficulties, the father-in-law has also given the daughter a water tanker. With her husband's suggestion, bride Aparna was pleased as well. She, along with her husband, is part of the movement.


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