Pregnancy brings many changes to your body, and it's not something that can go back to how it was overnight. During pregnancy, your body stretches and grows to accommodate the baby, and after delivery, it takes time for the muscles, skin, and organs to return to their pre-pregnancy state. After delivery, some women use a postpartum belly wrap to support their muscles and help them recover faster.
Postpartum belly wraps are sometimes called a belly band or a belly binder. Doctors suggest binding after major abdominal surgery, including after a C-section. There are benefits to using an after-birth belly wrap. The practice is aimed at supporting mothers, it is suitable after any type of birth.
Benefits of Belly Wraps
These include:
- Helps relieve pain
- Helps increase blood flow
- Lowers swelling from surgery
- Supports muscle and incision recovery.
- Aids in uterine contraction.
- Improves posture.
- Relieves lower back pain.
- Helps tighten the abdominal area.
- Promotes a flatter tummy.
- Boosts confidence and comfort.
- Helps you get moving
A traditional practice finding its way to modern women
Although today’s belly wraps are trendy, they have actually been around for a long time, says Donnica Moore, MD, president of the Sapphire Women’s Health Group in Far Hills, NJ, and co-author of Women’s Health for Life.
“This is not a new thing,” she says. “Belly wraps were used for people with back pain because they increased abdominal support, which helped people with back pain get around better."
McKinney-Kirk, postpartum doula and CEO of Bellibind, in an interview, spoke of bellybinding as giving your body a warm hug. “Back in the day, belly binding wasn’t just about getting your pre-baby body back [although that’s definitely a perk!],” she explains. “It was all about ritualising the recovery experience and helping your body heal after the incredible journey of pregnancy and childbirth.”
It is important to note belly binders are not waist trainers. There is no evidence that they help in reducing weight after pregnancy, and a postpartum belly wrap isn’t a waist trainer.
Types of Belly Binders
There are many types of belly wraps, but not all of them are the best type to use after you have a baby.
Elastic wraps. The ideal postpartum wrap is made from soft, stretchy fabric. It should be flexible, allowing you to breathe easily and move comfortably. It must also be long enough to wrap around both your hips and abdomen without feeling tight. You can either purchase an elastic wrap or use a long piece of cloth as an alternative
Support Belt: Adjustable support belts are great for offering extra support to your hips and back, helping to improve posture and relieve sore muscles. Proper support for your posture and hips can also play a role in strengthening your pelvic floor.
Shapewear: Some shapewear brands offer compression garments specifically designed for pregnancy and the postpartum period. These garments are stretchy but snug enough to provide compression. However, it’s important to choose wisely, as certain styles like full-body suits or high-waisted underwear might make it difficult to change sanitary pads. Also, be cautious of shapewear that’s too tight, as it could cause discomfort.
Note: Belly binding appears low-risk and supportive for most women, but it’s always a good idea to check with your midwife or OB-GYN before using it.