
Former Bengal CM Bhattacharya's Daughter Opts For Sex Change Surgery

Suchetana Bhattacharya, former West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya's daughter decided to opt for a sex-change operation to become a man physically.

STP Reporter
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Buddhadeb Bhattacharya's Daughter To Undergo SRS

Image Credit: India Today

Coming out of the closet is hard but more challenging for a person belonging to a political family, as society still stigmatises the LGBTQA+ community. However, Suchetana Bhattacharya, former West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya's daughter came out and decided to opt for a sex-change operation. Breaking the norm, Suchetana, who wishes to be called 'Suchetan' declared herself a 'transman'. 

After surgery, Bhattacharya wants to be known as 'Suchetan', to do so, she has already started with the process. She has been taking legal advice and contacted psychiatrists for all the essential certificates for the procedure.

Buddhadeb Bhattacharya's Daughter To Undergo SRS

Recently, Bhattacharya attended an LGBTQA+ workshop, and there she identified herself as a man and desired to become one physically too. Reportedly, a social media post led Bhattacharya to come forward and speak about her sexual orientation. LGBTQA+ activist Suprava Roy shared a post wherein Suchetana addressed a symposium on the livelihood of community people. Roy claimed Bhattacharya declared herself as a transman at the symposium. 

Suchetana Bhattacharya confirmed the post about her identity as a transman in an exclusive report by India Today. The report quoted Bhattacharya saying, "My parental identity or family identity is not a big deal. I am doing this as part of my LGBTQ movement. I want to stop the social harassment I face every day as a trans-man."

Bhattacharya openly confirmed that she is 41 and wants to become a man physically too. Speaking to India today, she stated that she is 41 and eligible enough to make life decisions. She made it clear to stand by her decision, and no matter what she will fight courageously without caring what people have to say.

She was quoted saying, "This is my own struggle. I want to fight this alone. It is better late than never." "Whoever considers himself a man mentally, is also a man, just as I consider myself male mentally. I want it to be physical now," added Bhattacharya. 


She also revealed that her father knew about her orientation since childhood and would have been supportive of her decision as well. She also urged people not to drag her parents into this. 

Suggested Reading:  Today I learnt: Sexual Orientation And Gender Identity Are Not The Same

SRS Suchetana Bhattacharya Buddhadeb Bhattacharya LGBTQ Transman