
Watch: Amandeep Sidhu Starrer, Sargun Mehta's New Show Spotlights Financial Independence

In an exclusive interview with SheThePeople, Sargun Mehta, the producer, and Amandeep Sidhu, the lead actor, shared insights into their new show that promotes financial independence among women.

Ishika Thanvi
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Sargun Amandeep

In an exclusive interview with SheThePeople, actor Sargun Mehta, who has some popular shows to her credit as a producer, and Amandeep Sidhu, the lead actor of Sony SAB's upcoming show Badall Pe Paon Hai dived into their motivations, challenges, and aspirations for the show and the evolving landscape of women in Indian television.


The series revolves around Baani, a spirited small-town girl whose mantra, "kam mein paida hue hain par kam mein jeeyenge nahin," encapsulates her drive to transcend her humble beginnings. Despite her family's limited financial means, Baani is determined to carve out a better future for herself and her loved ones, embodying the essence of ambition without greed.

Her journey, as portrayed in the show, is a testament to those who challenge the status quo, aiming for success not just for personal gain but to uplift her family. The show promises to deliver a narrative that showcases contentment with aspiration, ultimately questioning the boundaries of ambition as Baani navigates the intricate world of the stock market as a woman.

From Acting To Producing: Sargun Mehta's Full Circle Moment

Transitioning from acting to producing felt like a natural progression for Sargun Mehta. Inspired by her father's business acumen, she harboured entrepreneurial aspirations from a young age. As an actor, she felt a lack of control over the final product, which motivated her to take charge. "I always wanted to be a businesswoman, and as an actor, you don't have a lot of control," Mehta explains. Her determination to produce content that meets her standards and vision led her to embrace the producer's role. The journey has been unpredictable and challenging, but she remains committed to creating quality work. 

"Whatever we are doing, our intention is that we want to create something good. Now, whether people like it, whether they don't like it, whether it does great, whether it doesn't do great is not something that is in our hands. But what is in our hands, we will do 100% of it.," she says, emphasizing that their focus is on effort and intention, regardless of the outcome.

The Making Of Bani Arora


Sargun's inspiration for creating the character Bani Arora in Badall Pe Paon Hai stems from her journey and observations of the world around her. While shooting in London, Sargun noticed that her friends, who were makeup artists and stylists, were deeply engrossed in stock investments. Their proficiency even led them to be invited as guest lecturers in academic institutions. This sparked Sargun's interest in financial literacy, prompting her to delve into the subject via YouTube. Recognizing the complexity of the topic, she envisioned a character who could simplify and convey these concepts to a broader audience. Thus, Bani Arora was born, reflecting Sargun's ambition and relentless drive.

Sargun emphasized the importance of portraying ambitious women on television, challenging the traditional narratives that confine women to stereotypical roles like making papad or stitching clothes. She says, “Ki agar apne liye achi zindagi ke liye kaam karna lalach hai, toh haan main lalachi hoon. And that's exactly where it comes from.” 

She pointed out that despite the progress and significant contributions of women in various fields, media representation often remains limited. Through Bani, Sargun aims to highlight the diverse career options available to women and the importance of financial independence and responsibility. This character is a testament to Sargun's belief that ambition is not greed but a necessary trait for achieving one's goals. 


Challenges And Triumphs In The Indian Television Industry

Sargun Mehta acknowledges facing numerous challenges as a woman and producer in the Indian television industry. One major issue is the industry's tendency to repeat the same themes and formats. To overcome this, Sargun expressed how she and her team approach progressive channels, proposing fresh and innovative ideas. The channel's willingness to take risks allows them to create shows like Badall Pe Paon Hai, which provides a platform to tell unique and compelling stories. This approach enables them to present narratives that resonate with audiences yet remain underrepresented on mainstream television.

Paving the Way for Future Generations

Sargun Mehta envisions a vibrant future for women in television, both on-screen and behind the scenes. Reflecting on her journey since 2009, she believes that while she faced numerous challenges, the obstacles for the next generation will be fewer and different, leading to even greater achievements.

They're going to rock it..if I had maybe say 2000 hurdles until now, they're only going to have 500 out of them. The other 1500 that they're going to have are going to be newer hurdles, which will only take them to greater heights.

Women's stories on television resonate deeply with audiences, becoming integral parts of everyday conversations at home, social gatherings, and workplaces. This widespread connection offers immense potential to inspire women, fostering new ideas about financial independence and diverse career opportunities. Sargun is confident that women's presence and influence in television will continue to grow, shaping a more inclusive and empowering industry.


Amandeep Sidhu On Bringing Bani To Life

Amandeep Sidhu shared her enthusiasm about Badall Pe Paon Hai, highlighting how the show departs from conventional portrayals of female characters. Instead of the typical "girl next door," her character, Bani, is depicted as ambitious and hardworking, striving for both her family's and her betterment. Amandeep emphasized that every household has someone like Bani, a woman with big dreams and the drive to achieve them. She feels fortunate to be part of a project that brings such authentic and relatable characters to life. Collaborating with Sargun Mehta and Sony Sab has been a rewarding experience for her, as it allows for the representation of real, ambitious women on screen.

Casting And Character Depth

Amandeep shares the tale of how she landed the role and what captivated her about it. Initially sceptical, Amandeep was intrigued when her friend pitched the character, describing Bani as a departure from conventional heroines—a portrayal of raw authenticity rather than the usual glamour. Embracing the challenge, Amandeep recognized the risk in portraying a character perceived as negative, yet she was drawn to the team's vision of breaking away from traditional television norms. 

Sargun's aspiration for innovation resonated with her, prompting her to take the plunge. Reflecting on the character's essence, Amandeep strives to redefine greed—a concept often misconstrued—and the show's intention to redefine it as a pursuit of self-improvement without causing harm. Embracing this narrative, she champions the idea that there's no shame in striving for personal betterment within ethical bounds.

How One Mindful Producer Can Make The Set Effective And Positive 

Amandeep shares her experience working alongside Sargun, highlighting the distinctive methodology she brings to the table as a producer. Amandeep commends the intensive workshop sessions, a novel experience for her, emphasizing the presence of a dedicated coach on set to guide the actors through scenes, regardless of their prior experience. Despite the ensemble cast boasting seasoned performers, everyone, including established figures, diligently participates in these preparatory sessions.

Amandeep credits Sargun and the team for shaping her portrayal of Bani, acknowledging their hands-on approach in crafting the character. Grateful for their guidance, she notes that her performance is a reflection of their direction, highlighting the collaborative effort that sets Sargun apart from her male counterparts in the industry.

Why We Need Strong Female Leads, Now More Than Ever

Amandeep reflects on the significance of portraying strong, multifaceted female leads in television shows and the societal impact of such characters. She contends that while there have been numerous portrayals of strong women on screen, few have delved into the complexities of their real desires and emotions. Drawing parallels to other shows on Indian TV, which tackle real-life issues, she stresses the importance of moving beyond stereotypical narratives of women solely focused on familial obligations.

Amandeep lauds her character Bani for embodying a woman who asserts her needs and opinions without sacrificing her authenticity. By depicting Bani's assertiveness and emotional depth, she believes the show will empower viewers to recognize and articulate their own desires without fear of judgment or societal expectations. In her view, this portrayal of authentic female characters will catalyze positive societal change by challenging outdated gender norms and affirming women's agency and humanity.

Creating A Healthy Work Environment In Television Production

Talking about maintaining a healthy work environment in both her roles as a producer and an actor, Sargun underscores the absence of boundaries in her schedule, often receiving calls late into the night and early morning hours to fulfil the demands of television production. Reflecting on her own experiences and recognizing the rigorous nature of television work, Sargun acknowledges the necessity of hard work and the daily commitment required in the industry. Drawing from her own journey as an actor, she recalls the intense dedication demanded, including working tirelessly for days without rest during her initial projects. 

Despite the demanding nature of the medium, Sargun prioritizes the happiness and comfort of her team on set, ensuring a friendly and supportive atmosphere. She emphasizes timely payment for artists, implementing a strict policy to ensure financial security within a designated timeframe. While acknowledging the limitations of control in certain aspects of production, Sargun remains steadfast in her commitment to fostering a positive and respectful work environment for all involved.

Prioritising Mental Health And Endurance On Outdoor Shoots

Addressing the query about maintaining mental well-being amidst the demanding nature of television work, Amandeep echoes the sentiment of boundaryless commitment, emphasizing the challenges of shooting outdoors in extreme conditions. Despite the gruelling temperatures reaching up to 48 degrees Celsius, she finds solace in the encouragement from the director, who reminds her of the pride her family feels in her perseverance. 

Reflecting on the emotional toll of being away from loved ones, Amandeep draws strength from the belief that her dedication will be reflected positively on screen, bolstered by her determination and physical endurance. Despite the discomfort and physical strain induced by the dry heat, Amandeep maintains her resolve, acknowledging the beauty of the final product and the comfort of returning to air-conditioned sets after outdoor shoots. Despite the challenges, she adds, she finds reassurance in the visual appeal of the finished product.

Prioritising Investing Is The Key To A Better Life

Sargun emphasises the importance of financial planning, particularly investing in stocks as a means of securing one's future. Reflecting on her journey, she regrets not starting earlier, especially during the pandemic and encourages others to save and invest diligently. By prioritizing financial stability, Sargun believes artists can enjoy the freedom to indulge in luxury and travel without worrying about their bank accounts during breaks between projects. Amandeep acknowledges the wisdom in Sargun's advice, indicating her intention to follow suit; an integral aspect of what their new show vouches for too. 

Badall Pe Paon Hai Sony Sab Stock Market Sargun Mehta