
Let's Not Repeat History With These 5 Weird Social Media Trends Of 2022

From period-blood-on face skincare routine to 'cheese on chai', here's a rewind of the most weird social media trends we should do away with, and a hope that 2023 brings entertaining trends that we can all indulge in together.

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Weird Social Media Trends
Instagram in India and Tik Tok, worldwide, are the literal birthplace for any video to go viral. While trends are super entertaining and catchy, some are mind-numbing and bizarre in every which way.

People have often drawn attention across social media platforms by introducing new routines and practices online and although some are genuinely worth following, some should just be wiped from the face of the platform for good.

From period-blood-on face skincare routine to 'cheese on chai', here's a rewind of the weirdest social media trends we should do away with, and a hope that 2023 brings entertaining trends that we can all indulge in together.

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Weird Social Media Trends Of 2022


Period Blood As Face Masks

Why! This trend did not just create a stir on social media but also caught the attention of medical professionals. A 28-year-old woman from the United States decided to embrace her periods by not just accepting the process in mind but she went ten steps further and used her period blood as a mask.

New Jersey resident Gina Frances introduced a new skincare trend across social media by making face masks out of her period blood and several people following her tried the routine too. The 'periodfacemask' hashtag has generated over 6.4 billion views on Tik Tok alone, and the bizarreness continues to grow.

Naked Challenge

I don't know what to think of the 'naked challenge'. Several Tik Tok users shifted the challenge to Instagram as well. In the several videos posted over the year, it was seen how one partner wraps herself in a towel and then unwraps the towel in front of the camera, leaving the person aside believing they're naked under the towel. I don't know about ">pranks, but these trends on camera seemed bizarre at the highest level.

All The Trendy Songs That We First Love Before Our Love Fades Away


There are those songs which we love upon their release and start to hate after a month because we have heard them enough and, sometimes, without a choice. In the new age of Instagram Reels, where every wedding story, every breakup, every outing, and every Outfit Of The Day (OOTD) is supported by the trendiest of music, the attention span for these songs also remains as short as the story.

From Aafat to Jedha Nasha, all these songs have once been imprinted in our minds but their usage in every reel often gets annoying because it gets too much, too soon, no?

Black Filter Face

Racism has now officially become a social media trend and I will never make sense of why a 'blackface filter' was even introduced in the first place. It definitely wasn't to create a sense of inclusivity. If anything, it was the opposite of body-positive initiatives. The trend had people using the filter where the faces would go dark and they would then pretend to be sad, and as they'd remove the filter and become far, they would express joy. A lot of users followed this trend for the end number of days and shot videos of themselves and it was by far the most ridiculous and racist trend ever.

Cheese Chai: But Why?

There are certain food combinations which, for the love of taste buds, we must never mess with. I mean, why would we want to put cheese on top of a masala chai? But some of us did. In a world of social media, where anything can get popular at the drop of a hat, cheese chai picked up pace as several people started consuming their regular masala teas with mozzarella cheese spread on top. There are food trends that do not make sense and then there is a popsicle that is covered with garlic clove. A blogger once started out to make a food trend popular by using garlic as the main ingredient filling for an ice cream popsicle and, guess what, a lot of users followed through.

Social Media Viral social media trends Look back 2022