
Teachers' Day: Let Us Celebrate Those Who Shape India's Tomorrow

Women speak on how teachers shaped their lives and guided them to a better future.

Rudrani Gupta
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teachers' day 2019

Malala Yousafzai rightly said, “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” The foundation of an empowered nation rests on three pillars; teacher, education and youth. Interestingly, it is teachers who impart strength to the youth via education. Behind every empowered citizen of the country is a teacher: a manifestation of knowledge, experience and inspiration. It is via the selfless efforts of a teacher that a student of today is transformed into tomorrow’s leader.


Women achievers speak to SheThePeople.TV about the teachers who have left a mark on them, who have influenced, encouraged and supported them.

Dr Shruti Kapoor, Founder of Sayfty says that teachers hold a special place in her life. "I’ve been a learner all my life and have had the privilege to learn from some of the best teachers in the world. My teachers sparked my interested in learning, in challenging myself to dig deeper and finding the answers to questions that mattered to me. They have inspired me to learn beyond textbooks and for that, I am forever grateful. I have huge respect or those who teach, they help shape our future," says she.

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Teachers not only impart knowledge to their students. but play a big role in shaping their mindset for the lifetime. Tara Deshpande, Actor, chef and author recalls one such teacher, whose words have stayed with her. "My French teacher Mrs. Raghunathan once consoled me when I lost the annual French prize. She said that failure is a stepping stone to success. You have to keep walking if you want to get there," recalls Tara.

My teachers sparked my interested in learning, in challenging myself to dig deeper and finding the answers to questions that mattered to me. - Dr Shruti Kapoor

Teachers also play a big role in making school life and memorable and lovable experience for children. Dr Shelja Sen, Therapist, writer and co-founder at Children First shares, "When I was in high school, we had this incredible teacher, Mr Daryl Michael, who turned his class into a wonderland, sparking the magic of learning. What was most special about him was that he cared for and respected each one of his students deeply. If you have been lucky to have a teacher like this in your life, you know what I mean. If you are one of those teachers, then big salute, as your students will tell this story one day."


Infact, good teachers leave such a lasting impact on many of their students, that they decide to follow in their footsteps. Meeta Sengupta, Education Strategy and Policy, writer, speaker and coach says, "We are made in the image of our teachers, whether we realise it or not, and I was fortunate enough to have many wonderful teachers, each of whom gave me a different part of themselves. Some taught me perseverance, others dedication, some to smile, and others to remember to make others smile. The one teacher I remember with gratitude just passed away, and so this Teacher's Day is dedicated to him - Prof. Mote, the one who brought rigour, drama, mastery, meaning and stretch targets to us in everyday teaching at IIM(A). But he taught even more - he showed us the way to hold our own, to claim one's value and to leave every situation in a better state than one found it. Teachers give us direction, he taught us how to build directions for ourselves and others. Will always be grateful to him for that foundation of faith in the self," says

We are made in the image of our teachers, whether we realise it or not, and I was fortunate enough to have many wonderful teachers, each of whom gave me a different part of themselves. - Meeta Sengupta

But then who inspires teachers themselves? It isn' an easy task to champion education and shape the lives of young people so that they can have a glowing future. Who better than a teacher to reveal this to us? Avnita Bir, Director Principal of R N Podar School says, " I feel my best teachers are my students who have helped me realise my calling, make me reinvent myself and made me a lifelong learner."

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teachers in India shaping young minds teachers day Teachers' Day 2019 Women Achievers Teacher-student relationship