
It's That Time Of The Year: Summer, Sunburn, Sunscreen

The incessant sweating, the scorching sun, the burning loo and the consistently increasing temperature make the season unbearable. And now, with global warming, summers last longer than any season.

Rudrani Gupta
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Image Credit: File Image

Summer is here. The time when you don't want to step out of your home. The time when the sunshine turns into sunburn. The time when one bath a day is not enough. The time when everyone says “Bohot garmi hai.”


The incessant sweating, the scorching sun, the burning loo and the consistently increasing temperature make the season unbearable. And now, with global warming, summers last longer than any season. We can't ask the earth to cool down or the sun to hide behind the clouds. All we can do is cope up... errr... suffer and also be better at preserving whatever little nature we have left. Here are a few characteristics of the summer season that heat us up, literally. 

Dermi cool ad

You are watching TV on a normal day. Everything is fine. But then the TV says, “Chhubti jalti garmi, chhubti jalti garmi ka mausam aaya”. You jump up on the bed and scream ‘No’. The dermi cool ad is the starting point of the summer season. It appears on the TV just before the menace of summer is going to hit us. 

Sweating and stinking

GIF credit: Shay Mitchell

When you go out during summer (out of necessity, otherwise who does that?), sweat runs through your body like water from a tap. The most irritating part is when the sweat goes into your eyes. The burning sensation is just….I don’t know what to say. Then comes the body odour. No matter how much deodorant you wear, the body still stinks and then you wonder “How will I meet people?” 


Thirst of a demon, hunger of an elf

GIF credit: sexy dana delany

The demonic urge to drink all of the cold water/drinks is simply weird. You just want to drink something cold throughout the day. When someone asks you for a meal, you feel as if you have no space in your stomach. Hunger is just killed by thirst and you think maybe your stomach shrunk even though things expand in summer. That’s how incompatible you are with summers. 

Rasna, lemonade, glucose (orange one)

Image credit: India TV News/ YouTube

One respite of the summer season is the freedom to gulp flavoured drinks which we don’t get to do in winter. Rasna, the favourite since childhood, comes back into your life. Lemonade is like drink-gasm (I don’t know if it is a word but I hope you got it). And glucose, the famous ad which shows the sun drinking all the fluid from a person, becomes a saviour. 


 Love for mangoes


Image Credit: File image/Times Now

The best part of summer is mangoes. If you love mangoes, you definitely know how delicious they are. The messy way of eating it and relishing its soft and sweet taste adds flavour to summer. Moreover, mango shakes too are equally tasty and satisfying. Just waiting for them!

AC, Fan or Cooler?

Image Credit: Vanderperk Groep


The real dilemma of life is to choose between these three. If you choose AC, you have to pay a hefty electricity bill. If you choose cooler, you have to close your ears to stop the loud sounds of it from entering your mind. And fans? Well, you know very well how effective they are. 

Cold during summer

Image Credit: Friends

The worst that can happen to a human is getting viral during summer. The running nose irritates you more in summer because it prohibits you from drinking chilled water. In the season of 45 degrees, you have to drink warm water. 

No matter how much we rant against summer, it will not cease burning us. So, let’s find small joys and deal with the season. For example, sometimes it rains during summer. At that time, you can sit on the balcony and enjoy the cool breeze and splash of raindrops on your face. Wear loose and comfortable clothes that again give us happiness. Buy sunscreens, facewash with cooling sensations and dip your face in a bowl of ice. Believe me, you will get the best relaxation ever. 

Views expressed are the author's own.


sunburn Global warming summer