
Women Need To Stop Being Apologetic For Their Success: Preeti Shenoy

"It's really important for women authors to promote their work, to be proud of it. Because if you're not proud of your work, if you don't speak up for your work, no one else will," says author Preeti Shenoy.

Prapti Sarkar
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Preeti Shenoy, popular Indian author of books like Wake Up, Life Is Calling and A Hundred Little Flames thinks that women need to put themselves out there more often. She is the receiver of the Indian of the Year Award by Brands Academy. Cosmopolitan called Preeti Shenoy one of India's most popular authors, being the only woman in India's highest-selling authors' league. The Times of India opines that she has "excellent storytelling skills."


Preeti Shenoy sits down with SheThePeople to chat about sexism, men and women, and about why women should stop being apologetic for their success. Watch the conversation here or read it below!


What is the most sexist thing anyone has ever said to you?

I don't think anyone has ever dared to say anything sexist to me because they know they'll get it back right there.

Have you ever experienced the great Indian stare by men on the streets?


They do stare but I think you can just put them in their place as long as you know how to.

READ ALSO: Why Do People Stare At Women? 

How do you feel when someone stares at you?

It depends entirely on who is staring.

What is one thing you love and one thing you hate about India?

I absolutely love India. I used to live in the United Kingdom and when I got back, I decided to settle down in Bangalore. And I absolutely love Bangalore. I accept India with all its chaos, traffic and dust and I think that's what most NRIs complain about. But I really love my country, so I can't say there's anything at all that I hate about it.


I don't think anyone has ever dared to say anything sexist to me because they know they'll get it back right there.

What is the one thing that women need to stop doing?

I think women need to stop being so apologetic for their success. They ought to put themselves out there more. I'm an author so I see that when it comes to books, women authors need to market a lot more. They're very apologetic when they've written a book while male authors will just go out there and promote their book. So I think it's really important for women authors to promote their work, to be proud of it. Because if you're not proud of your work, if you don't speak up for your work, no one else will.

READ ALSO: Dear Women, Don't Be Modest And Speak Up About Your Achievements 

What is the one thing men need to stop doing?



What is the one thing most women fail to understand?

It'll be very presumptuous to say that women fail to understand a specific thing because I think we're all so very different. Even men fail to understand some things and women fail to understand some other things. So I don't think there's anything specific as such which can be said for all men and women.

It's really important for women authors to promote their work, to be proud of it. Because if you're not proud of your work, if you don't speak up for your work, no one else will.

What is the one thing most men fail to understand?

I don't think all men or all women can be generalized. I totally fail to understand this. There are a lot of kind and sensitive men. At the same time, there are a lot of kind and sensitive women. There are rude men and rude women, so I think it's very wrong to generalize and say that women fail to understand this and men fail to understand that.

Do you love yourself?

Absolutely! I'm in love with myself.


I think I'm gorgeous! I'm successful, confident and smart. I could go on and on but I think that's enough.

READ ALSO: How Preeti Shenoy Became One Of India's Highest Selling Authors 

Prapti is an intern at SheThePeople.TV

author Wake Up Life is Calling Preeti Shenoy Women Writers A Hundred Little Flames