
Penny For Thought: Are You Sustaining Or Ditching Your New Year Resolutions?

Everyone might be sulking over the year ending and looking back over the year. How shitty it was or how life-changing it was.

Snehal Mutha
New Update
Should I Have New Year Resolution
Right now, everyone might be sulking over the year ending and looking back over the year. How shitty it was or how life-changing it was. But most of you might be fitting in my category sulking for having a shitty year, and cribbing on what you missed this year or what regretful decisions you made. I mean last year was the same story for me. So I made new resolutions to not repeat the mistake and sulk again at the end of the year. But, the universe has something else for me. Here I am again sulking. I am thinking this year too to make a new year resolution and work on it strictly and with discipline. However, there are second thoughts about why to make it as I always miss it.

Technically a new year's resolution that has a religious context to it. Romans have a record to worship the god Janus, for whom the month of January is named. The worshippers made promises to their gods at the start of each year. Another religion also has a such tradition in Judaism's New Year, Rosh Hashanah, they reflect on their deeds of the past year, New Year Resolution is similar right? Over time the tradition has evolved into a trend. Many across the globe follow the ritual and reflect upon deeds and make new promises. However, many miss to fulfil these promises, they are just left as rituals. The surveys have also proved, many fail to follow it.

Forget surveys, I spoke to a few people about their stand on the whole New Year's Resolution thing. I got a very quirky take on it.

Should I Have New Year Resolution Or Not

Rosma Menezes, a financial professional finds New Year Resolution overrated. According to her, meeting resolutions over the year seems impossible, so why unnecessarily set unrealistic goals and take each day as it comes? Menezes believes in living today, and making the most out of the day, then following a monotonous pattern.

Keeping a similar thought process, Kimcha Hoakip, a teacher by profession said, "New resolutions are just for a few days and after that, we don't follow up. People who are determined to do it's good that they make new resolutions but for me, it is a 'No'." Hoakip believes instead of setting unrealistic goals, why not stay positive, and deal with things with whatever you have? If someone wants to achieve something, determination is needed every day, goals need to be set every day to contribute to a larger goal. Hoakip motivation works to achieve a goal, not a resolution.

Manisha Patil also doesn't believe in resolution but has little contrast perspective from Hoakip. She says, "It’s ok to go with the flow and adapt to each skill as per the convenience that setting small goals. Liberty brings creativity, and creativity cannot be brought with set rules. Patil is a working professional as well as pursuing higher studies.


Loveena Martin feel resolution are nice if done rightly, but for that, a new year is not required. It can be done anytime over the year. Only you need to be firm on what you decide. Martin is a Human Resource Professional with an IT company.

"At the start of the year, I decided to publish a book of poems by the end of December. I did it, I wrote poems, and I decided on content, however, failed to publish it. So from what I understand this was a resolution. I couldn't completely achieve the goal but reached nearby. Resolutions may be unnecessary but they can be a guiding tool. I dreamed of the sky, I got a star", added Mrudgandha Dixit, an aspiring writer.

I know right, Dixit has a very positive note toward resolution. From her perspective, it depends on the person what following the resolution means. A person can have a resolution, start working on it and let time decide whether it will be achieved or not. But once it is started, there is no stopping, but it might take a little time.

Another person is in favour of opinions. Priyanka Aswani, a fashion designer, feels resolutions are to be made. It sets a direction for how the year may look like. But sulking over it something that is not completed is a bit unreasonable. Resolutions are made to break it. So let it be that way, make new or renew old, who cares.

Speaking to these women has just made me think more about the whole resolution thing. But I guess it is not that important to decide. If you feel like then have one, if you don't just leave it. There is no point in getting disheartened.

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New year Resolution