
Ladies, It's Time To Be Confident And Add Self-Promotion To Your Skills

A recent survey by Harvard Business Review shows that women are way behind men at self-promotion. While women were found to be under-confident about their performance at the workplace, men were overconfident about the same.

Anushika Srivastava
New Update

Success is a never-ending process. Once you succeed in getting what you want, further attempts have to be made to remain constantly in the success stream. Most of us represent ourselves very well in the initial process of recruitment but once selected, we forget that self-representation has to be continuous. The way you represent yourself at the workplace paves way for further promotions and salary hikes. This, hence, is a skill and is known as Self-Promotion. However, Women have been found to lag behind in this skill.


Key Takeaways:

  • A recent survey by Harvard Business Review shows that women are way behind men at self-promotion.
  • While women were found to be under-confident about their performance at the workplace, men were overconfident about the same.
  • Effective self-promotion leads to salary hikes and promotions, possibly a reason behind the prevalent gender gap.
  • Self-promotion doesn’t imply that you’re boasting about your achievements. It is being proud of what you achieved by working hard and showcasing it effectively in front of others.

It is your work that makes an impact and hence, asking your manager about a recent project you led is definitely not a bad option. Reviews help, ask for them as often as possible.

One big myth associated with the art of Self-Promotion is, that it involves boasting about your skills. But no, it goes the other way around. Self-promotion is just a part of your regular efforts to stand out of the crowd at your workplace. So, ladies, it is time to be confident and flaunt your achievements. Here are some points to keep in mind for Self-Promotion:

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Understand Your Strengths And Weaknesses


Until and unless you’re clear with your own strength and weaknesses, you cannot present them in front of others. Know your strengths, for that is what has to be adorned and delivered to get the desired results.

Be Confident

Confidence speaks for itself. It adds a totally different spark and value to your words. In fact, one of the main reasons, why women lag behind in Self-promotion was cited to be lack of confidence. And if you aren’t confident about your work, it simply implies that you yourself don’t consider your work to be valuable. And if you don’t value your own work, how and why do you expect others to applaud your efforts? So, being confident is the golden key to master the art of Self-promotion

Seek Reviews

No, I’m not asking you to depend on other people’s opinions. Depending on opinions and getting the best out of them are two diverse topics. You have to seek opinions so you know what the majority thinks about your work. And you don’t need to think about company politics here since it is not about you but totally about your work. It is your work that makes an impact and hence, asking your manager about a recent project you led is definitely not a bad option. Reviews help, ask for them as often as possible.

You need to understand that Self-promotion is not bragging. You are only being proud of your achievements. And, this is what you’re being paid for - your work.


Publicise Your Achievements

The way advertising helps a brand, publicising will help in Self-promotion. Relating the on-going projects in the company with something you achieved in the past can help. Speak with others about their projects too, so you know where and how you can publicise your past accomplishments.

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Self-Promotion Is Not Bragging

Most importantly, you need to understand that Self-promotion is not bragging. You are only being proud of your achievements. And, this is what you’re being paid for - your work. There’s no problem at all in discussing your achievements, and in portraying that yes you deserve maybe a better pay scale or a better job profile, a level up.

Do Not Stick To Your Department Only


It is always advisable to explore other domains at your company too. No doubt, you have to concentrate at your work, but some information, here and there, won’t do any harm. In fact, learning from peers might help here. Reach out to people from other departments, socialise and get to know the insights there. A person who can fit in any department and carry out any task, is definitely someone- a company always wants.

Picture Credit: Backstage

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women #workplace Your Strengths And Weaknesses Self promotion Publicise Achievements Office Skills Women at workplace