According to the National Mental Health survey 2015-16, 150 million Indians need care for their mental health concerns. Mental health, at least in urban cities, is becoming less of a taboo topic. However, even then, the idea of going for therapy remains uncommon. A strong stigma surrounding therapy keeps people from seeking help and thus suffering in silence. Which is why it is important to normalize going for therapy so that we can feel comfortable visiting a psychologist, just like we visit any doctor for our physical illnesses. Here are five common myths about therapy that we need to stop believing in.
Therapy Is Only For People With "Serious" Mental Illnesses
Therapy isn’t solely reserved for people who have what we deem as "serious" mental health issues. While it is an invaluable resource for people dealing with serious ailments, it doesn't mean that you cannot seek help even if others feel that your issues aren't pressing. Besides, embracing therapy at an earlier stage prevents your issues from inflating up. In fact, you don’t even have to have a mental health issue to visit the therapist. Most therapists will encourage you to come if you’re going through serious life changes, aren’t able to cope with stress or just don’t feel very good. Therapy can be useful in all these scenarios and more. Keep in mind that you do not need other people's approval of your condition as critical to seek help. If you feel like you need help, do seek it out.
Also Read: How Millennials Are Taking Care Of Their Mental Health
If I Go Once, I’ll Have To Go Forever
No. Therapy is about your comfort. While most therapists will urge you to visit them regularly for a while, there is no one who will judge you if you don’t want to come. However, it is important not to let your fear or nervousness take over. Every new habit, especially one as intrusive as therapy, makes people uncomfortable. A normal level of discomfort is expected – but if it goes beyond that, then maybe you need to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable. Don’t be afraid of trying multiple times because it can take a while before you find someone with whom you can connect properly.
It’s Just Sitting And Talking About My Childhood
Movies have given therapy a bad reputation. You definitely don’t have to lie down on a couch and talk about your relationship with your father. Of course, that may come up but therapy isn’t all about your past. It is very much about your present. Therapists don’t only give worldly advice; they give practical advice. They guide you to finding solutions for your troubles on your own, by merely urging you to look at what’s going wrong. Contrary to popular beliefs, therapists don't spoon feed you solution fro your problems but give your strength to deal with them better.
Also Read: Therapy Isn't How It's Shown In Films
I Can Work On My Issues Alone
Most people experience stress, anxiety, and bouts of low mood. Many times, we are able to work on this by ourselves. However, sometimes, we are unable to cope on our own. Perhaps there is an underlying problem that is affecting your wellbeing, which you cannot put a finger on. If you see your symptoms worsening, and they come in the way of your daily life, maybe it is time to get help. There is no shame in asking for help. That’s what therapists are there for. Therapy is often the fastest, most effective route to overcome the emotional and behavioral issues that keep you from living the life you want.
Also Read: Masaba Gupta About Going To Therapy
Picture Credit: Bustle
Prapti is an intern at SheThePeople.TV