
Dear Women, It’s Okay To Take A Sunday Off, Even Under Lockdown

Taking an off on a Sunday helps me regroup my thoughts and makes the whole quarantine situation a little more bearable.

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao
Updated On
New Update
women take sunday off

Before the monstrosity named coronavirus hit us, I used to treasure my Sundays so much. It was a day to either unwind with books, films and family or step out to have a lazy lunch and run the occasional errands that we couldn’t complete at our sleepy suburb. Of course, a lot of women spend their Sundays cleaning, dusting, cooking and completing other chores that we cannot on weekdays, but we do take an “off” on a Sunday occasionally when we do nothing, but relax. However, things have changed under the lockdown. As days merge seamlessly into one another, and we stay put indoors, it feels a little indulgent to take a Sunday off. But dear ladies, it is still okay to do nothing on a Sunday and believe me, you have earned it.



  • Since we are always at home a lot of women might feel taking an off on a Sunday is not right.
  • Not doing anything on a Sunday can be a stress-buster.
  • It can help you break the monotony of life in lockdown and make the whole experience more bearable.

Just because you aren’t commuting to work, or because every day seems to be a dull and tiring repetition of the one that has passed doesn’t mean that you don’t need a break.

The lockdown due to coronavirus has done anything but eased the burden of work from our shoulders. Those who aren’t employed, have to manage the household, do all the chores in the absence of maids and cater to all the needs of their family, which is home 24X7. Those who are employed, have to do all of this and then work from home as well. If you are lucky, like me, you have a partner or a family that shoulders the weight of household duties equally, and yet I would say that I deserve a Sunday off.

Also Read: Don’t Stall Your Happiness, Dear Women. Live A Little Today

Just because you aren’t commuting to work, or because every day seems to be a dull and tiring repetition of the one that has passed doesn’t mean that you don’t need a break. Lockdown isn’t just ruthless on our calcium deprived backs, but on our minds as well. The monotony, the workload, the stress of whether you’ll get groceries or vegetables before you run out of whatever you have stashed at home and the general anxiety regarding the current situation can take a toll on anyone. And if you set aside the cute videos on Insta and lofty posts on Facebook, how many men are actually matching women’s steps at home, when it comes to household chores?


Taking an off on a Sunday helps me regroup my thoughts and makes the whole quarantine situation a little more bearable. It breaks the monotony and it ensures that I am not neglecting my mental well-being.

Which is why you shouldn’t feel guilty if you feel like taking a break, despite “staying home all the time.” This lockdown isn’t a vacation, especially for moms and wives, and while you cannot step outside to take a breather, you can ensure you take a break. So every Sunday afternoon, tell your family that you have earned a little me-time, hand over any pending household duties and your kids to a grandparent or partner, shut the door of your room and do whatever you want. Take a nap, listen to music, read, meditate, or do nothing. Be on your own till the sundown. I do this as often as I can, and it is refreshing! I know that even on a day off most of us simply have no escape from certain household chores. But surely, it is possible to steal some time for yourself as a little treat.

Also Read: Men, Household Chores and Cleaning: Don't they see the mess?

Taking an off on a Sunday helps me regroup my thoughts and makes the whole quarantine situation a little more bearable. It breaks the monotony and it ensures that I am not neglecting my mental well-being. I know it is too much to expect everyone to be cheerful these days or even put up a brave face. Our emotions are often not in our control. What is indeed in our control is to take a break and to hit a pause on our thoughts. This is the least we can do for ourselves, and for sure we all deserve it.

Picture credits: Shape Magazine

The views expressed are the author's own.

lockdown life coronavirus lockdown household chores