
A Woman's Twitter Thread Goes Viral, Slams Istanbul Airport Over Lack Of Menstrual Products

The infrastructure should be designed in such a way that it can accommodate women's needs too. I hope Turkey learns its lesson too and does not let any other women go through period peril.

Snehal Mutha
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twitter thread on period Istanbul airport
Every girl has atleast one embarrassing period story to tell. Why it becomes embarrassing, is obviously the taboo around it. Often these anecdotes are more of helplessness and awkwardness. However, these are dealt with on a personal level. Now think of an incident, where bleeding blood is totally neglected and many like you and me have to suffer all the humiliation that comes with it. Twitter user Erin Law's story is of every girl, who got periods during her time at Turkey Airport, only Law narrated her ordeal of not-so-normal periods.

Erin Law wrote, “I have a story about MENSTRUATION. Specifically my menstruation. Which is not in itself a special thing because like many people on earth I BLEED. But it’s special because it happened at Istanbul’s International Airport. Also, I’m pretty angry." She further describes how between two long flights, she tried to buy some tampons during a stopover at the airport.

In 23 tweet long thread, Law recounts her quest for tampons at the airport. According to her, a massive airport with more than 5 terminals has no store for tampons or pads, whereas one can easily get a $2000 bottle of alcohol, a novelty drone, a romance novel, or even a souvenir ashtray.

Law enquired at several places for tampons to get her flow in control. But Airport staff kept telling her to enquire at the senior desks. From a duty-free store to a bigger information desk, Law and her spouse ask for tampons everywhere. Isn't it weird to ask for a daily-based utility product at the senior desk? But it is what women now have to do. As soon as Law posted her story, other women also came out in the comment section about their experiences.

Law made emergency calls to the pharmacy as directed by staff, to get the tampon. Periods can be messy, we all know that. Staying long without a pad can become more humiliating with staining. Think about the pain woman might be in while looking for pads.

Law's incident forces us to think about if someone like Law, who is educated and works for period poverty had to go to such lengths to find tampons. What could be the case with women, where prejudices considering the period are high and the non-availability of menstrual hygiene? Because of poor access to menstrual hygiene products, girls miss their schools, and few even drop out. In villages as small as Malawi, or a Gadchiroli in India, period problem thrives greatly. The consequences of it are unimaginable for someone living in urban areas. We keep saying people are becoming woke when it comes to periods, but it is doubtful.

Twitter Thread On Period Istanbul Airport


Turkey's airport is a fresh example to confirm the doubts. Turkey has stocked their airport with various utilities but forgets to serve the needs of millions of women. Nearly 50% of the world’s population bleeds, but for Turkey this 50% population is invisible. In the fancy airport of the urban area, or a small village altogether period and everything related to his a big problem.

Law somehow managed to get Tampon, but in the end, she lost it too. She felt dumb and crying about her whole period fiasco. Law was more ashamed for feeling helpless for herself and every girl who face period poverty.

However, Law's story should be a lesson for Turkey, and everyone who still doesn't consider women using public utilities. If a woman is using a public space, everything related to her comes with her. The infrastructure should be designed in such a way that it can accommodate women's needs too. I hope Turkey learns its lesson too and does not let any other women go through period peril.

Suggested Reading- Young Women With Heavy Periods Fails To Get Help, Can Lead To Big Health Problems
