
Navigating Menopause: A Guide For Indian Women By Sudha Murty

Shaili Chopra, the founder of Gytree and SheThePeople, engages in an open dialogue with Sudha Murty, delving into the stigmas, misconceptions, and pressing challenges faced by many women concerning menopause.

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The Rule Breaker Show

The Rule Breaker Show

Breaking the silence and erasing stigmas, the remarkable Sudha Murty, bestselling author, philanthropist, and voice of empowerment, sits for a candid conversation on a topic often shrouded in taboo: menopause. In an exclusive and enlightening interview, she provides invaluable insights, coming from a place of personal experience, and normalises the fears and concerns that Indian women might have regarding this crucial life stage.


Shaili Chopra, the founder of Gytree and SheThePeople, engages in an open dialogue with Murty, delving into the stigmas, misconceptions, and pressing challenges faced by many women concerning menopause. This one-on-one exchange navigates the seldom-tread waters of female health post-reproduction age, unmasking the taboo and ushering in a movement to embrace and prepare for the simple reality of menopause.

This insightful conversation was informative, providing tips on preparing mentally and physically for menopause. It discusses the role of holistic health and well-being, as well as the impact of social perceptions and personal preparation on one's menopause journey. From sharing her own experiences to offering valuable advice to the women of India, Sudha Murty advocates for a real, open, and honest conversation around menopause and women's health. Begin your enlightening journey here.

“When you get menopause you should not think it is a disease,” Murty shares. “I should accept that my skin will wrinkle,” she shared candidly in a message to women.

Why Is There Silence Around Menopause?

Going through menopause is as natural as any other phase of a woman's life. It's a unique journey that half the world's population will experience, but it's surrounded by an aura of silence, creating a significant data gap. However, women from around the world, including India, are beginning to break these barriers and are using their experiences to educate others. As a result, the conversation around menopause is gaining momentum, with many advocating for more acceptance and understanding of this often undiscussed life phase.

The scenario in India reflects a similar story. Even as they move toward achieving equality in various sectors, Indian women are faced with a lack of information and conversation about menopause. Despite its ubiquity, menopause is often seen as a quiet, private matter, something that isn't openly discussed, even within close-knit families. 


In a societal culture where such topics are considered taboo, it's no surprise that 66% of Indian women don't feel comfortable discussing menopause-related health issues with their family, as indicated by a survey by Abbott. However, the winds of change are blowing, with conversations becoming more normalized around this once-avoided subject, leading to better understanding and preparation for women approaching this milestone.

By 2025, there will be over 1 billion women experiencing menopause in the world, which will be 12% of the entire world population of 8 billion.

There is a general perception around women’s health that it starts and ends with good news aka pregnancy says Chopra, who has been running platforms for women for the last 8 years. Recently with, her effort has been to support women with nutrition solutions during midlife and menopause.  "Awareness is the starting point," says Chopra.

Murty’s upbringing was a big reason why she embraced her pause period. Murty about hormones, babies and sexual health? “My father was a gynaecologist and he was the one who talked about menstruation with me,” recalls Murty, who were three sisters growing up.


“I knew very well about menopause. My father used to say… when you hit puberty your hormones are high, so your skin glows, and you spend more time in front of the mirror. A day will come when hormones will be withdrawn and then menopause comes.” Murty says her dad categorically reminded her that when menopause comes “do not think it is a disease.”

I realised it would be that time that I would need to work more than normal and stay distracted. I would travel more, walk more and read more. So, that’s how he prepared us for menopause. So I knew this and understood how women without this knowledge suffered from it.

Working to de-stigmatize menopause in India is a monumental task and it requires collaborative efforts from multiple fronts. Implementing comprehensive sexual health education in schools, broadening the participation of men in the discussion, and promoting the importance of mental health during key life transitions are all essential.

Encouraging open conversations about menopause, much like Murty experienced in her upbringing, is vital. Murty’s dad spoke to them early in their life. "He openly talked about periods and menstruation with us and explained how all this is part of hormone balancing and nothing impure. He made us accept that this was very normal and we should not accept what others say in society,” says Murty.

Empathy And Understanding

Extending these conversations to include men is also critical. For husbands, sons, and brothers to understand what the women in their lives are experiencing, they need to be educated about women's health––including the effects of menopause. As Murty recounted, she communicated openly and honestly with her family about the changes she was experiencing.


While she was training herself for this, how did she get her husband Mr Narayana Murthy, founder of Infosys, to be empathetic and get ready for her own mood swings? “When I got menopause both my children were away and suddenly remembered them and I cried. I thought to myself why didn't I cry when they left for their studies but now all these years later why suddenly I started crying? I realised it was because I was in menopause and I was having hormone retreat.”

Mental Health And Menopause

Lastly, giving equal importance to mental health is crucial. Many women experience mood swings, depression and anxiety during menopause. It's high time our society begins addressing these issues openly and provides adequate support for maturing women to navigate this life stage.

Every woman's menopause journey is unique, but as Murty's story demonstrates, preparedness and acceptance can make it less daunting. Together, we can work towards an India that ceases to stigmatize menopause and starts to support women navigating this significant life stage. 

Join The Menopause Conversation 

Be a part of this change, contribute to the conversation, and let’s aid all Indian women to prepare better for menopause. If you have a story to share or tips to offer, join the conversation on our women's health forum. Remember, every shared experience can help someone else.

The Rule Breaker Show Menopause Sudha Murty