
Is Masturbating Everyday Healthy? Let's Hear It From An Expert!

"Masturbation provides stress relief, and one of the advice that I have for you is to listen to your body," Dr Martha Tara Lee, relationship counsellor and clinical sexologist said while emphasising that masturbation is completely and perfectly normal

Kalyani Ganesan
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Is Masturbating Everyday Healthy, Women Using Sex Toys In India
Some people might have felt a tinge of discomfort just by seeing the headline. Among other taboo topics, masturbation would be among the top few. And yes, we are going to talk about the "uncomfortable topic." While society continues to consider masturbation a "sin," the very thought of women masturbating is frowned upon in society at large.

The act of sex itself is inherently connected to a pleasurable activity for men, while it’s a wife's duty for women or a means to procreate. But no, women too deserve to derive pleasure from sexual activities! Dr Martha Tara Lee, relationship counsellor and clinical sexologist at Eros Coaching, says that masturbation is completely and perfectly normal.

Is Masturbating Everyday Healthy

Regardless of a woman’s relationship status, wanting to indulge in self-pleasure is a wonderful way to get to know our body and discover what we like and don’t like; what works for us, and what doesn’t. Once we understand our own bodies, we can improve our sexual experience with our partner.

Masturbation can be empowering and comforting to be able to satisfy ourselves! It helps the body secrete dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin, commonly called the "feel-good hormones," which help reduce stress and relax. Masturbation during periods can do magic because it helps the body secrete endorphins, which are natural painkillers.

Given the many physical and emotional health benefits, it’s definitely normal and natural for women to masturbate. But is it healthy to masturbate every day? "Many people masturbate every day, and there are also people who masturbate more than once a day. Masturbation has many health benefits. There’s no physical or emotional harm to masturbation. Masturbation provides stress relief, and one of the advices that I have for you is to listen to your body. Everybody has a different libido; listen to your body, and stop when you are in pain," says Dr Martha Tara Lee.

While some people might agree that masturbation is normal, they might not be willing to discuss it in the open because of the taboo attached to it. But why should something that is a human’s natural instinct to self-pleasure and has many health benefits still be tabooed? It’s high time that teenagers are educated about it so that they know how to go about self-pleasure in the right way.


The question of masturbating often might continue to remain with many, including those who masturbate. As Dr Lee pointed out, everybody’s sexual libido (sex drive) is different. While some might want to masturbate every day or multiple times, others might do it a few times a week, occasionally, or rarely. Basically, it all boils down to indulging in self-pleasure when we feel the urge to.

It’s vital that we remember that it’s completely normal to not masturbate at all or to masturbate several times a day. As long as we derive pleasure from masturbating and don’t experience any kind of discomfort or pain, it's all good. So, it's time to grow out of the misconceptions and ensure that we give our body the pleasure that it needs.

Suggested Reading: Women Masturbate Because They Enjoy It, Not Because They Are Lonely


Is Masturbating Everyday Healthy Female Masturbation