
Healthy Benefits Of Plant Protein With Monk Fruit

Monk fruit is a natural sweetener that has gained popularity in the health and wellness community. One of the primary benefits of including monk fruit in your plant protein is its ability to provide sweetness without adding calories or carbohydrates.

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Image from phloen/Shutterstock

Image from phloen/Shutterstock

Monk fruit, also known as Luo Han Guo, is a natural sweetener that has gained popularity in the health and wellness community. One of the primary benefits of including monk fruit in your plant protein is its ability to provide sweetness without adding calories or carbohydrates. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to manage their weight or control blood sugar levels, particularly for individuals with diabetes or those following low-carb diets.


Another significant advantage of monk fruit is that it does not cause the same blood sugar spikes as traditional sugars. This is because monk fruit sweeteners contain compounds called mogrosides, which are metabolised differently by the body compared to regular sugars. As a result, monk fruit can help maintain stable energy levels and prevent the crashes often associated with high-sugar foods.

"We at Gytree have created different versions of our proteins, some are sweetened with monk fruit and others with a non-calorific sweetener. Monk fruit works for many but some find it too sweet, hence the idea was to give customers all the options," Swareena Shaw, Head of Products, Gytree.

Anti Oxidant benefits

In addition to its metabolic benefits, monk fruit is also known for its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are crucial for combating oxidative stress and reducing inflammation in the body. By incorporating monk fruit into your plant protein, you can enhance your overall antioxidant intake, which may contribute to better immune function and reduced risk of chronic diseases.

Monk fruit is also appealing because it is a natural, plant-based sweetener, making it suitable for those adhering to vegan or vegetarian diets. Unlike artificial sweeteners, monk fruit extract is derived from a fruit, which aligns well with the principles of natural and whole-food nutrition. Check out this protein which is a bestseller with monk fruit. 

Lastly, monk fruit has a minimal aftertaste compared to other natural sweeteners like stevia, which can sometimes have a bitter or metallic flavour. This makes monk fruit a more palatable option for enhancing the taste of plant protein powders and shakes, ensuring that your protein supplement is nutritious and enjoyable to consume.


Why are plant proteins popular?

Plant-based protein sales increased by 27% in the past year. 65% of consumers believe plant-based proteins are healthier than animal proteins. Infact 70% of millennials are incorporating plant-based proteins into their diets.

India's medical research body has issued warning of eating too much whey protein for body building. This has led to more queries regarding plant protein options as they are good for the gut and more delicious.

Monk fruit