
Six Surprising Benefits of Clove. And How It Helps Our Immunity

Pratiksha Dixit
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Oldest Clove

This tiny spicy bud of a flower is power packed with immunity building boosters for our body. Cloves also raise the flavour of our breads, cookies and curries. Clove oil is used in repellents, to kill parasites and also in germicide. It also comes with pain relieving benefits and widely used to alleviate tooth pain. In this article, we look at the must know benefits of clove and also understand its side effects. 


The name is derived from the Latin word - clavus, which means nail since the shape of a dried clove resembles that of a nail. India has a big production of cloves coming in from Kerala and other southern states. Here's a look at the benefits of clove.

  • Improves liver function

The liver plays an important part in detoxifying our bodies and metabolising the medicines we take. Eugenol, also called clove oil, is an aromatic oil extracted from cloves that helps in improving liver health. 

  • Aids in digestion

Loaded with fibre, cloves promote good digestion and assimilation of nutrients. When added to curries and food, they help prevent acidity and increase the digestive motility.

They are also best known for relieving gastric irritability, dyspepsia, and nausea.

  • Boosts immunity

The eugenol ingredient present in clove is known to protect the body against many harmful bacteria, fungus, and viruses. The antioxidant properties of clove supports the proper function of the immune system. Moreover, it is also used in Ayurvedic medicines as a remedy for cough and cold.

  • Helps in maintaining oral health

Owing to its germicidal properties, clove oil is an effective remedy for dental pain, sore gums, toothaches, and mouth ulcer. Clove oil has also been approved as a dental anaesthetic as per American Dental Association.

  • Good for bones and joints

Cloves are blessed with hydro-alcoholic compounds such as eugenol and flavonoids that play an important role in increasing the bone density and mineral content in bones. People with weak bones and osteoporosis are recommended by physicians to consume cloves on a regular basis.


Benefits of Clove: The antioxidant properties of clove supports the proper function of the immune system.

  • Has antibacterial properties

As per a study conducted at the University of Buenos Aires, cloves are effective in getting rid of bacteria like E. coli and staphylococcus. You can also create a herbal mouthwash by mixing cloves, tea tree oil and basil. According to the Department of Periodontics at the KU Leuven University in Belgium, this natural mouthwash can improve gum health and reduce the amount of bacteria and plaque in the mouth after using it for only 21 days.

Information shared above is collated from publicly available studies and information. Readers are always advised to consult a doctor for specific ailments
