
(Un)Natural Glow: TikToker Applies DIY Haldi Face Pack, Only To Regret It Later

Scottish TikTok star Lauren Rennie's video about her Haldi face pack gone wrong has garnered over a million views.

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Haldi Face Pack

When Scottish TikTok star Lauren Rennie applied a do-it-yourself Haldi face pack, what she may have had in mind were the many benefits of the spice. Haldi is known to be an antiseptic and gives a natural glow to the skin when used the correct way. But is there such a thing as too much turmeric? Turns out there is. And Rennie learned it the hard way when she had to live with a yellow-tinted face for three weeks.

The TikTok star used a Haldi face pack to cure her acne, as it is known to reduce skin inflammation. She generously applied the Haldi pack all over her face, as a result of which her hands and face got stained yellow, and the tint didn't go away for almost three weeks, despite her attempts to wash and scrub it off.

"For like the last three weeks, I’ve had really bad skin. I’ve been breaking out in spots all over my face, but mainly across my lip line," Rennie said on her decision to try out a Haldi face pack in the viral video. She added, "So me being me, I'm researching ways to get rid of it and help my skin out. And I come across this DIY turmeric face mask that I could literally go downstairs and make right now in my kitchen. So I did. It's got benefits like acne, wrinkles, and skin irritation. So I was like yeah let's go."

The TikToker did try to cover up her (un)natural glow with make-up, but if you have ever applied Haldi to your face, you may know how well that went. Rennie's video of DIY beauty hack gone wrong has received more than a million views so far.

Image Credit: Lauren Rennie/TikTok

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