
What the future must hold for Women Safety dialogues

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Women Safety dialogues are a great way to engage on a subject few of us entertain. Data and privacy are of critical importance for us all. It is impossible to be 100% secure online but there are a few non-obvious ways that anyone can use to be safe. I am going talk about us all using common sense to build these subjects in.


Safety is key to enable humanity to reach new levels of productivity and creativity. As a college student to me that's a most compelling reason for us to be smarter and safer online.


We have new scenarios every other day. Which means, that what we had not expected, say three years ago, we now have plenty of new challenges. What we are talking of these days is the Internet of Things(IoT), the explosion of the app ecosystem, and the stress levels and impact of digital media. Were they in the spotlight few years ago? No.

I believe safety and online safety dialogues will be critical in the new age for us all. Safety characteristics of this future world, according to me should include:

>What are the enhanced characteristics of safety through disclosure?

>What are the resources, processes, and values to concurrently provide online safety and privacy to users?

>Under what conditions does an attacker have an advantage over an infrastructure protector.


>Why do many infrastructure protectors and users not adopt effective mechanisms that provide safety and privacy?

Here, I am providing some of the Internet safety rules to follow, to help you avoid getting into trouble online.

>Keep personal information professional and limited.

>Keep your privacy settings On.

>Practice safe browsing.

>Keep your antivirus program up to date.


>Make online purchases from secure sites.

>Be careful about what you download.

>Make sure your internet connection is secure.

It would be a biggest mistake to think that the data we store online can ever be 100% safe, it would also be an error to assume that we can’t make our email accounts and the data – including photographs – that we store in the cloud a little bit more secure with very little inconvenience. It works both ways. We must realise that no matter what, data will be of great use for us and others. But we have to cater to that community of miscreants who will play dirty with this opportunity.

Himani is a student of ARCH College of design, jaipur and this effort is a part of Google India and SheThePeople initiative Digital Trust Dialogues across colleges in India.

Digital Trust Dialogues google privacy policy google safety dialogues women safety online