
Suhana Khan On Vogue Cover: Why Are We So Besotted With Star Kids?

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao
Updated On
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Suhana Khan Vogue Cover

Suhana Khan, daughter of superstar Shah Rukh Khan recently featured on the cover of Vogue India. Papa Khan not only unveiled the cover, but also shared it on social media. Wondering what made Suhana eligible to feature on the cover of a popular fashion magazine, considering that even her debut film hasn’t been announced yet? Welcome to Bollywood, and our unending love for Star Kids.


From Aryan Khan to Taimur Ali Khan,  Bollywood kids have managed to keep the paparazzi and common folks besotted.

While people are very much in awe of their star parents, these children command a following of their own. They have fan pages dedicated to them on social media, they are featured on page three and every breath they take catches media attention.

Some love them for their lineage. Some are mystified by them for living a life most people can not even dream of. Then there are others who cannot help but ignore the unnecessary coverage the star kids get, without any personal or professional achievements. One thing is for sure though, there is no ignoring these "future stars". Which is why the news of Suhana gracing a popular magazine cover is currently trending on Twitter.

So is being a student, theatre lover and future star enough to get you on the cover of Vogue?

If a twenty-something girl walks up to the Vogue's office tomorrow, insisting to be featured on their cover, because she is a student, theatre lover and future star, she would be kicked out even before she can spell entitlement. But these are the very qualities which make Suhana Khan worthy of featuring on Vogue’s cover.

The magazine organised a photo shoot to "introduce" Khan to the world. And used these three designations to describe why Suhana is on the cover. Which one of these can we count as Suhana’s achievement? In fact, the "future star" is a punch on our nepotism-criticising mouths.



  • Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan has recently featured on the Vogue's cover.
  • The magazine introduces her as a student, theatre lover and future star.
  • This fascination of the common public with star kids is also a reason why nepotism is thriving in Bollywood.

Khan is going to be a star, cry all we want. Just the fact that she has a launchpad awaiting her, whenever she is ready, is worth a cover.

It shows us the power of being a star kid. It shows us how these star kids just glide into the business of making films, without having to lift a finger. However, if Suhana’s popularity on social media is anything to go by, then we cannot blame Bollywood for nepotism entirely.

It is the public obsession with star kids, that makes them entitled to a career in the movie industry. If Vogue today has featured Suhana on their cover, then her popularity on social media plays a big role in it. Even her fan made accounts on Instagram and Twitter enjoy a massive following. People are smitten by her and whatever she does becomes news.

So when a magazine is making a star kid more popular, what right do people have to dump the entire blame on nepotism in Bollywood?


Be it Janhvi Kapoor or Suhana Khan, those who share their pictures, follow them on social media or buy any magazine which features them, are also responsible.

Judging by the looks of it, Khan will enjoy a pompous debut. And we will be plagued with the news about her, just like we were last month, when another star kid made her debut. Things won’t change, because people’s obsession with them won’t die down. They adore Suhana for her parentage. Her beauty is exemplified by her high-profile lifestyle. Just the fact that she was born into a world which most Indians only dream of makes her entitled. So my dear fellows, it is the public’s obsession with Khan and the likes of her, why we have to endure a Dhadak or a Student Of The Year.

Swallow this cover and Khan’s popularity, along with your argument on nepotism like a bitter pill. Because unless we stop fawning over them, star kids are not going anywhere.

Also Read : Janhvi Kapoor’s Debut: Can Media Stop Obsessing Over Her Now?

Yamini Pustake Bhalerao is a writer with the SheThePeople team, in the Opinions section. The views expressed are the author’s own.

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Vogue India Shah Rukh Khan Bollywood Star Kids Suhana Khan