
Why Making 'Dear Diary' A Friend Could Change Your Life For Good!

Writing a diary can be very therapeutic and is a great way to relieve stress, they are also a great way to record life experiences and learn from them. Start writing in one today!

Kavya Shah
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For most people, writing in a diary may seem old school or not relevant, however what most people cannot understand is how important and helpful journaling is.


In the age of digital media, writing in a diary may seem irrelevant and something that most people do not want to do. But writing in a diary helps a person in ways which people do not understand. It acts as a medium of expression, but the difference in a diary and a person is, that the diary cannot judge you. And, honestly, the last thing someone would want a friend to do, would be judging them.

For example, in the fourth grade, in my school we were forced to write a diary entry daily, for the sole purpose to better our writing, so that our language would improve.

Here is another reason to maintain a diary; it helps you share your deepest thoughts and your darkest secrets. No one is ever going to read it, so your secrets are safe and you will feel comfortable after venting everything out.

Little I did know that this practice would help me stimulate my love for language and fuel my passion for writing. Writing in a diary helped me vent out my feelings and thoughts.

Here is another reason to maintain a diary; it helps you share your deepest thoughts and your darkest secrets. No one is ever going to read it, so your secrets are safe and you will feel comfortable after venting everything out.

Here is how I work – I am happy, I write. I am angry, I write. Even when I am sad, I write. Writing down feelings and thoughts, which I would not necessarily want to share with anyone can be shared with this book.


A diary can also act as a friend, a confidante and a logbook. We have seen examples of famous non-fiction diary entries such as “The Diary of Anne Frank” and “Samuel Pepys' Secret Diary.” Then there are fictional diary entries such as, well, “The Diary of a Wimpy Kid.” Many novels are also structured in this format.

Dear Diary, Journaling fosters growth Dear Diary, Journaling fosters growth

Writing in a diary may seem absurd or even boring to you. But trust me when I say that concentrating on your thoughts and putting down everything on paper makes room for self-learning and helps think through everything better. Amongst the busy schedules everyone has, finding time for yourself to just sit, breathe and relax is hard. Spending 10 minutes a day just pouring out everything makes anyone feel better.

Most people think people write diaries because they do not have friends or those people are an introvert and like spending time with themselves, however they don’t know that this is not a criterion to have a journal. It is simply a way of expression. Even the most extrovert person, will at the end of the day, need time for themselves. Having a journal helps better one’s organisational skills and helps provide perspective to the person.

A journal will helps you maintain records, of not only events and feelings, but it also serves as a permanent record to see progress. There are many types of journals; there are art journals, dream journals, writing journals, bullet journals and food journals among others.

A journal will helps you maintain records, of not only events and feelings, but it also serves as a permanent record to see progress. There are many types of journals; there are art journals, dream journals, writing journals, bullet journals and food journals among others. All of these serve the same purpose, to maintain individuality and a record of thoughts. It can help you see who you were, and how do you want to be.


Writing out thoughts and drawing an abstract collection of artworks is what has made many people become famous. Drawing for a personal reason later helped them turn that into a profession. Thus, your passion can become your profession. Sitting and doing the task, everyday provides the person with rigour, who in time becomes better at writing or whatever their medium of expression is.

The aim for diary writing, drawing or even random doodling is to find time for yourself, to be able to escape everything and pour your mind out on that blank sheet of paper that is in front of you. You do not need anyone to see, read or comment on this.

Sometimes what many people, including me do when angry is that they write down everything wrong furiously on a sheet of paper, and then tear it. This practice helps calm down, and shows you that along with that crumpled and torn paper, your anger is also gone. This manner of expression helps vent negative feelings.

So, I urge all of you to write, draw, think and collect all your thoughts in a place, “Dear Diary”, is not such a bad idea after all!

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Kavya Shah is an intern at SheThePeople.Tv

writing a diary life experiences journals expressing emotions diary entries dear diary SheTeens