Internships are great opportunities for students. Internships mean gaining knowledge and experiences in advance. They give us knowledge about working in companies and industries. By working with a company we can get to know about how a single project is divided into modules and how each module is assigned to a particular member and how all of them collaborate with each other.
Internship means a short-term work experience offered by companies and organisations usually to students. A student who wants to gain experience before getting a job in a company than internship is best for such persons.
Just by doing a three-four year course and becoming a graduate is not enough to become a professional. We need experience and knowledge that will come by pursuing an internship.
Pursuing an internship and working in some live projects will give us hands on experience which is more beneficial than theoretical knowledge. Additionally, we can mention our internship certificates and the projects on which we have worked in our resume which in turn will make a great impression on an interviewer in the future. It is helpful in showing the company how much knowledge you have.
Theoretical knowledge is not the best knowledge until you have done them practically. When we work in a company and organisation, we not only gain practical experience but also learn soft skills.
Internship can be done in two ways:
- Paid: In which, you have to pay for doing an internship and for getting hands-on knowledge.
- Unpaid: In which, you will get a stipend for doing an internship and working with a company for getting knowledge & experience.
There is a third option available too. People who do not want to go to office regularly then they can opt to work from home. They can also get stipend for work from home.
Also read: How Internships Help In Shaping Your Professional Career
Internship can be found by anyone just follow these steps:
- By applying and giving interview in best companies.
- By surfing the Internet, you can also get many options according to your choice.
- There are various online platforms which help students to find and get an internship like Internshala, Indeed, Frapp, LinkedIn, etc.
Reasons you should take an internship:
Experience: This is the most important reason. Nobody gets experience on their own so the best way to gain experience is to pursue an internship. This experience will be very valuable when you are applying for a job.
Better Understanding: Theoretical knowledge is not the best knowledge until you have done them practically. When we work in a company and organisation, we not only gain practical experience but also learn soft skills.
Opportunity to Learn: By doing an internship, we learn a lot of things like organising code, dividing projects in modules, and managing all code in one place.
Ability to gain new things in practice: By working as an Intern we also learn to adopt new things in our daily usage. We learn to gear up for a professional life.
There are various online platforms which help students to find and get an internship like Internshala, Indeed, Frapp, LinkedIn, etc.
Build Confidence: An internship helps you build your confidence and decreases your hesitation and nervousness. You will learn to take charge, initiate and lead.
Also read: Internships Bridge Gap Between Theory And Industry Say Students
For Communication: Internship builds our communication skills. The more confident you are the easier it will be for you to put forward your ideas.