
The Internet Has Made Communication A Two Way Process

sharmaine panemanglor
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Positivity is a word that is versatile, so is the internet. When clubbed together there's a whole universe of possibilities! Before the turn of this century, people frequented libraries and newspaper archives for long hours to extract information. Thanks, to Google, it's possible to get scores of information under a millisecond.


Gone are the homesick days when loved ones stayed apart over a certain amount of distance and had only a limited mode of communication. Snail mails, phone calls, postcards and faxes. It is now common for someone from Iceland to pop up on a screen and video call for an unlimited time, given the internet connection and the weather of course. Emails, video calls, voice chatting and voice notes have gotten hearts virtually closer from any part of the globe.


Travelling around the world required us to physically buy a ticket and put ourselves on a plane to the destination, a feat limited by one's ability to send. Thanks to the Internet, individuals can now travel the world through travelogues and also earn money through the internet to travel physically. This comes to the subject of work from home, a concept that boomed in this century. Taking surveys, writing articles, filling up forms, etc., have reassured a numerous amount of people who find it difficult to commute depending on their circumstances. Many companies now allow employees to work from home, which is great because a person can work from home without having the hassle of physically being there. In this day, it's impossible to not be up-to-date with the world, not just your locality. The internet provides a vast ground for cultural and news interaction in a matter of seconds. This provides a sense of unity to the globe.

Many companies now allow employees to work from home, which is great because a person can work from home without having the hassle of physically being there.

A huge creative portal is opened up in which a lot of things can be learned from creating an App, programming, acquiring medical knowledge to violin lessons on YouTube. There is an endless amount of free content out there catering to all tastes. People can belong to communities without having to be in the same city or country. The internet has made communication a two-way process by making it a dialogue instead of a monologue.

This blog is a part of the Digital Trust Dialogues being held across colleges in India.

google Internet Communication Digital Trust Dialogue