
This Is How I Was Inspired By Digital Women Awards

“Believe in yourself, dream big, follow your dreams and the world will stand by you” is what this event has taught me from its great inspirational talks.

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The world is swinging in all directions and is full of inspiring women whose passion, work and impact in their community encourage us to choose a specific field of study, follow a certain career path, and become economically empowered. We all know how female role models can have a great influence in advancing women’s economic empowerment. Women are now taking a step ahead in digital sphere for better future and making a choice by giving themselves a chance and get inspired. SheThePeople.TV founded by award winning journalist Shaili Chopra, is using this digital space to share stories of women who inspired us through their actions and valuable contributions to societies and economies across India.


Key Takeaways:

  • “Believe in yourself, dream big, follow your dreams and the world will stand by you” is what this event has taught me from its great inspirational talks.
  • DWA unveiled different stories of women entrepreneurs who stood up against all the challenges in their entrepreneurial road map and gave us some amazing inspirational leadership examples.
  • It has also shown that a strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection.

Recently launched, India’s first of its kind, ‘Digital Women Awards’ showcased accomplished women, recognising the impact of their leadership, and demonstrated the compelling reasons for their professional and personal successes and showed some of the key elements essential for women entrepreneurship. The inspiring discussions from some of India’s great leaders which took place in the award show were very intensifying and inspirational and have opened different broad prospects on various concepts revolving around feminism. Along with inspirational talks, it gave us indication that women are feeling empowered and in no way anyone can diminish their femininity and identity.

“Believe in yourself, dream big, follow your dreams and the world will stand by you” is what this event has taught me from its great inspirational talks.

Also read: Digital Women Awards 2019 Recognise Women Start-Up Stars

We all need inspiration and Digital Women Awards has indeed unfolded a whole new meaning of inspiration in front of me. I am very thrilled to be a part of this truly innovative idea to help us all grow towards fuller and present an inspirational life for other people to follow us. “Believe in yourself, dream big, follow your dreams and the world will stand by you” is what this event has taught me from its great inspirational talks.


Digital Women Awards has started a new chapter by unveiling different stories of women entrepreneurs who stood up against all the challenges in their entrepreneurial road map and gave us some amazing inspirational leadership examples by proving that nothing is impossible if you have guts and strength to make it possible. It has taught me that you can always try to do impossible things and if they fail, the failure itself becomes a challenge for others and if you keep trying impossible things, one day you will surely conquer the whole world. It has also showed me that a strong woman understands that the gifts such as logic, decisiveness, and strength are just as feminine as intuition and emotional connection and hence we should always value our own virtues and gifts and do things which we believe in the most. I learned a very important thing that if we think and dream positive, it will help us in our career and we can be the real architects of our own life who can shape and design our own future and contribute to country’s growth.

Further, it led me to think that we need to reshape our own perceptions on how we view things and it will indeed help us to lead from the front, break down walls and defy stereotypes. When we look around the industry, we will be struck by how many amazing and inspiring females are leading the charge and challenging their organisations to embrace the continuous trials digital inventiveness brings. Looking at them, we need to educate, mentor, coach and above all be consultative and collaborative on how we can achieve things with ease.

DWA unveiled different stories of women entrepreneurs who stood up against all the challenges in their entrepreneurial road map and gave us some amazing inspirational leadership examples.

Also read: Fifth Digital Women Awards: Celebration, Conversations And Kung Fu Nuns!

Ultimately, I think that whatever your race, gender, social background or cultural preferences, digital is a powerful force for good. Digital has no prejudices, it is whatever you wish it to become, and essentially inspires all of us to keep building new digital dreamscapes. Digital has changed the face of how we all work and as a result, if you’re good and you've got the passion, there’s an abundance of opportunities on offer to grab in the market.

Inspirational Women digital women awards women entrepreneurs Women in the digital space inspirational talks women entrepreneurship