
What Is Bed Rotting? And Why Is GenZ Obsessed With It

Gen Z embraces inventive self-care trends with "bed rotting"- intentional, guilt-free relaxation in bed, and "everything showers"- extended, music-filled bathing rituals. Prioritising mental wellbeing, they inspire others to seek meaningful decompression.

Harnur Watta
New Update
Image credits: CNN

Image credits: CNN

In the pursuit of maintaining their mental well-being, Gen Z has once again demonstrated their expertise in self-care, inventing novel methods to unwind and recharge. From the much-talked-about "bare minimum Mondays" to the refreshing "everything showers," this young generation has shown creativity in prioritising their mental health.

The latest trend to capture their attention is known as "bed rotting." Unlike simply lounging around in bed, "bed rotting" involves deliberately spending significant portions of the day engaging in any activity that brings relaxation. 

What is bed-rotting?

Whether it's savouring a favourite meal, binge-watching TV shows, indulging in a skincare routine, or merely daydreaming while staring at the ceiling, the key lies in consciously and guiltlessly immersing oneself in the moment.

While the concept of lounging in bed is not revolutionary, the true essence of "bed rotting" is found in the intentionality behind it. Embracing a "bed rot" day means wholly surrendering to any mental or physical fatigue experienced, becoming one with the comforting embrace of the pillows. 

It can last for a few hours or even extend to an entire rejuvenating weekend, depending on the level of relaxation required.

The trend has gained significant traction, especially on TikTok, with hashtags like #inbedrotting and #rottinginbed garnering over four million views. 

Image credits: @adelina99x (TikTok)
Image credits: @adelina99x (TikTok)

A viral video from user @g0bra77y ( @g0bra77y) sparked a frenzy of interest, with viewers sharing their enthusiasm for the concept. 

“I feel my purpose in this life is to rot in dif places. My bed, hotel bed, beach sand, hammock etc. I was made to lay and rot,” one commenter wrote.

“Me watching this while laying in bed every day for the past two weeks Never felt so alive,” another said.

Other TikTok users have taken "bed rotting" to another level by preparing for the day in bed with a full makeup routine and donning stylish outfits. For them, it has evolved from a simple relaxation technique to an enjoyable hobby.

Image credits: @brittneyymooney (TikTok)
Image credits: @brittneyymooney (TikTok)

Earlier this month, Gen Z also popularised the notion of "everything showers," which are showers lasting between two and four hours. 

During these luxurious bathing sessions, individuals scrub themselves while enjoying music to create a transformative and refreshing experience. 

“An everything shower with hot water and Taylor Swift is better than sex. Sorry,” influencer Kourv Annon told her fiance Alex Warren.

“I wash my hair, shave my legs, shave my armpits, deep condition, exfoliate, do my skincare. I do everything in the shower,” Kourv said in a TikTok clip.

Dr Lindsey Zubritsky, a dermatologist, highlighted the significance of following the right order during an "everything shower" to maximise its benefits. 

Dr Zubritsky recommended starting with the hair.


“If you’re waiting till the end of your shower to rinse out your conditioner, that conditioner can sit on the skin, clog your pores and lead to back and chest acne,” she said.

Exfoliating is supposed to go next, before shaving with gel to reduce irritation. After washing that off, she recommended double cleaning on the face.

As Gen Z continues to prioritise their mental well-being through inventive self-care practices like "bed rotting" and "everything showers," their approach to relaxation proves to be a source of inspiration for others seeking meaningful ways to decompress.

With their innovative ideas and embrace of intentional relaxation, this generation sets an example of the importance of self-care in today's fast-paced world.

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#TikTok Bed-rotting Everything Shower