
Woman Matches Ortho Doc On Dating App, Gets Pain Relief Prescription

On the microblogging platform X, a woman shared her story about a Bumble connection who happened to be an orthopaedic specialist. When she mentioned experiencing severe shoulder and neck pain, he sent her a full-blown prescription.

Priya Prakash
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Navigating the world of dating apps can be both exciting and challenging, as users encounter a diverse array of individuals they might never have met otherwise. Amidst the sea of profiles, finding a genuine connection can seem like a daunting task. However, one woman's experience on the dating app Bumble proves that meaningful connections are still possible.


Orthopaedic Specialist Goes Above And Beyond

On the microblogging platform X, a woman shared her heartwarming story about a Bumble connection who happened to be an orthopaedic specialist. When she mentioned experiencing severe shoulder and neck pain, he not only prescribed medication but also offered valuable advice on preventing similar issues in the future.

The prescription included Tab Mobizox and Tab Pan-40 mg for seven days, along with the recommendation of applying Ointment Flexabenz. His thoughtful gesture received widespread appreciation, with the post garnering over 1,99,100 views on social media.

User reactions and humorous observations


Many users expressed admiration for the orthopaedic specialist's kindness and expertise. Some even humorously suggested that the connection could lead to a budding romance. Others joked about Bumble becoming the new go-to platform for medical advice.


Meanwhile, in an unrelated Bumble anecdote, a man from Delhi shared his social experiment involving height adjustments on the app. Claiming to have increased his height to 190 cm, he observed a significant rise in matches, prompting reflections on the role of height in online dating.

Bumble's Role in Modern Dating

Bumble, like many other dating apps, offers users the opportunity to browse profiles and indicate their interest by swiping right.' When two users mutually swipe right, a match is formed, allowing them to initiate a conversation. 

Bumble bumble match