
International Yoga Day 2023: Nine Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

As the world celebrates International Yoga Day on June 21, it’s significant to note how yoga promotes the well-being of women during pregnancy. Here are nine prenatal poses that are recommended for pregnant women

Kalyani Ganesan
New Update
Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

Image from Freepik

As the world celebrates International Yoga Day on June 21, it’s significant to note how yoga promotes the well-being of women during pregnancy. Not only does Yoga help increase the strength and flexibility of the body, but it also regulates mood and sleep patterns.

Prenatal yoga asanas, which basically means exercises that are ideal for pregnant women, can help throughout a woman’s pregnancy in managing the several symptoms of pregnancy, preparing for labour, and supporting the bodily changes that happen during pregnancy.

In an exclusive conversation with SheThePeople, Preethi, a yoga instructor and founder of Prakriti Wellness, shared a few basic yoga poses that are safe for pregnant women to practise.

Below listed are nine prenatal poses that are recommended for pregnant women.

Note: Please refrain from indulging in strenuous physical activities including these yoga poses during your first trimester, i.e., the first three months of your pregnancy. Consult your gynaecologist before practising these asanas or any physical activity.

Yoga Poses For Pregnant Women

  1. Butterfly Pose or Badhakonasana

This pose helps in strengthening the pelvic muscles, aiding in the dilation of the cervix during labour, and easing back pain, which is common during and after pregnancy.

  1. Cat and Cow or Marjaryasana and Bitilasana

The Cat and Cow pose helps relieve back pain and improves the flexibility of the spine throughout pregnancy. It also helps strengthen the spine and works on improving core strength. 

  1. Child pose or Balasana

This asana helps relax the spine and stretch the pelvic muscles. It also aids in stimulating the digestive system and relieving constipation. Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, you can modify the pose. You can place the support of a folded blanket under your forehead or knees to ease pressure on your neck or knees.

  1. Kaliasana

Kali pose helps strengthen the hips, spine and stretches the pelvic muscles. It also helps to strengthen the thighs and knees, which will aid during labour.


  1. Forward bend or Utthanasana

This pose can be done with the support of the wall; it helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles, strengthening the knees, and helping reduce acidity caused during pregnancy.


  1. Warrior Pose or Virabhadrasana

This asana helps in toning the arms, legs, and lower back muscles. It improves balance and stability.


  1. Mountain Pose or Tadasana

Tadasana helps improve body balance because the centre of gravity shifts as the baby grows.


  1. Bridge Pose or Setubandasana

This is one of the best poses to strengthen the pelvic muscles and spine. It also helps strengthen your back and relieve back pain.


  1. Yoga Squat

This pose is best for dilating your cervix and widening the pelvic muscles, which makes labour easier.

Suggested ReadingInternational Yoga Day: 5 Asanas That Can Be Performed During Periods

international yoga day Yoga Poses During Pregnancy