
This Is How I Plan To Ring In The New Year 2023: January, You’re Not Ready For Me!

I've seen so much growth this year within myself and I wish to grow more next year. 

Shivangi Mukherjee
New Update
Ring In The New Year 2023
December 2022, you're almost gone now. It makes me sad that you did not endow Kolkata with as much of a sweater season as you did in other parts of India. Complaints aside, it's time to say bye-bye to you now December, and ring in the new year 2023! 

Are you excited? Do you have plans or is it just another day for you? Well, whatever it may be for you I'm happy that you're seeing the next year with me (if you're reading this anytime in 2023). 

Come to think of it, so many people will be seeing the New Year. But every one of us will have different things that we hope to carry forward into the next year. I've seen so much growth this year and I wish to grow more next year. 

Things That Will Help Me Ring In The New Year 2023 Better 

Using a Journal and a Planner 

Yes, there are apps for the same purpose but for me, physical reminders help. I enjoy looking at something I've written or created. I ordered a 2023 journal a few days back and I cannot wait for it to reach me. My planner has a habit tracker, period tracker, mood tracker, budget tracker, monthly plans, books and movie lists, and space notations.

When I take time out to fill my planner for daily chores, I feel like I have a better chance of keeping them in mind. It feels so great to tick things off the list at the end of the day. Sometimes I also like to draw or scribble things which I why I wish to invest in a blank journal sometime next year. 


Respecting my body 

I wish to say kinder things to my body next year. I started understanding myself, my body this year and I wish to do better next year. I hope to have the courage to not let people's opinions of my body get to me. I wish to show myself grace. I wish to eat without feeling guilty. I deserve that. I also hope to lovingly reach my fitness goals and not let 'tough love' be the driver. 

Finding my calm 

I wish to find my calm next year. I always express how I'm feeling instantaneously. I wish to make a habit of taking a pause and reflecting before I express myself. I'm not someone I'd call patient and I wish to work towards changing that next year. 

Budgeting and Saving 

Ugh, I'm so bad at this, you can hear me make a face from your screen. Hear me, because I just made tuts of disapproval. My money don't jiggle jiggle I'm perpetually broke. My money lives in my memories mostly. And I blame my saving skills. Those notes are out of my bank as soon as they reach it and that is not a good practice. 


Your girl got three pairs of plastic nails because they had cartoon prints on them. And she doesn't even grow her nails! Ever! I wore one set only to swear to never wear them again. And that's just one place where I decided to put my money on the pyre. Your girl has ample other instances. 

Banks have been shuddering at my saving skills. I need to get better. 


It's been a while now since I've grown away from reading. I spend my leisure time on Netflix. Oftentimes when I pick up a book, I'll put it down after some time because I lack the patience to go through the page sometimes. I also lack consistency with books. I feel like I'll only be able to grow back into reading once I make a habit of it. So I have a mini goal for me next year, to read one page before I hit bed. Short stories will be my best friend moving forward.

I've been selfishly going on about myself, as should be my focus for the New Year. :p I'm curious about you reader. How do you plan to grow next year? 

Suggested Reading: What Are The Things I’m Leaving Behind This Year?

New Year goals Ring In The New Year 2023