
Who Is Noura Al Matrooshi, All You Need To Know About The First Female Astronaut of UAE

Matrooshi has been extremely passionate about space since her childhood. She even participated in stargazing events as a child.

Ayusmita Chatterjee
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Who Is Noura Al Matrooshi ,Noura Al Matrooshi UAE Female Astronaut
Who is Noura Al Matrooshi: The United Arab Emirates names its first female astronaut on April 10, 2021.

Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum announced the names of the astronauts.

Matrooshi, along with her male counterpart Mohammed Al Mulla will undergo training at NASA‘s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.

Who Is Noura Al Matrooshi? Here Is All You Need To Know:

  • Matrooshi is the first ever female astronaut from United Arab Emirates' space mission. She will be accompanied by her male partner Mohammed Al Mulla. She was one among other 4,300 candidates to be selected for the program.
  • Matrooshi has been extremely passionate about space since her childhood. She even participated in stargazing events as a child.

  • She has a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from the university of UAE.
  • She has been a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
  • In her childhood, she secured the first rank in a UAE's Math Olympiad in the year 2011.
  • She is an engineer at the National Petroleum Construction Company and served as the vice prseident for the youth council of the company for almost five years.
  • Matrooshi volunteers work in the field of science and is known for her distinction in the same.

The United Arab Emirates‘ space program was launched in the year 2019. It has been a success ever since then. Maj Hazzaa al-Mansoori was the first-ever astronaut from the country. In the year 2019, he had spent almost eight days in the International Space Station (ISS).

Along with this, the country's space program faced a huge success in putting a satellite in orbit around Mars in February this year.

The country next aims to send an unnamed spacecraft on the moon by the year 2024. Moreover, The country is also working towards setting up a human colony on Mars by the year 2117.

UAE female astronaut Noura Al Matrooshi first female astronaut